Forum Discussion

kturner1015's avatar
11 years ago

Reconciling After Divorce

I admit, I usually make my Sims' lives pretty boring. They're always kind of perfect. So I decided to spice things up and add a little drama. For no reason at all, I had the husband cheat on the wife with their neighbor. He got her pregnant, and wife walked in on them woohooing. They got a divorce and husband now lives w/ neighbor.

I thought it would be interesting to see if they could reconcile because I saw there were new interactions between the two, like "remember common interests" and "find a common ground" and stuff. But my Sims were having NONE OF IT. Mannnnn do they hate each other. There's no going back.

Has anyone else experienced this? I wonder if everything is just too fresh right now and that's why every interaction turns out to be a negative one. Over time will all the angry redness disappear from their relationship bars and they could start from scratch?
  • I have a Sim called Shreen and she was dating a townie but I split them up so Shreen could date Solo (my first Sim) and they had the chemistry for a full on relationship. A little later Shreen met up with the townie at one of the discos and I totally forgot they once dated till I saw the 'love' var was full red. A little chat and flirting finally got rid of the red. But even after the red has gone the townie will flirt quite happily and do all the romantic flirty poses and sounds but the moment Shreen goes for a kiss the townie stops her. I keep trying everytime they meet to get them to kiss and date woohoo but the townie only responds to flirting but never lets Shreen kiss her. I've given up trying to get them together now!
    Wonderful that the game holds grudges and memories of the pain the break up caused.
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