Forum Discussion

graventh8's avatar
New Novice
8 years ago

Ugh so annoying!

I'm SO TIRED of aliens everywhere, at festivals, bars, every freakin where and now they're kidnapping my sim and what's worse he will is getting pregnant!
I know most simmers are just dying to be abducted but sorry I'M NOT ONE OF THEM, aliens should be rare not in front of my face the whole time!
I don't get why people who hate aliens get them much and people who love them don't ??

I don't want my male sim pregnant please help! is there a cheat to disable this ??
  • Would have been nice to know the reset feature before rather than after ?. Mine was using the observatory, logic 9 and very focused and I had him search for truth.
  • I very much dislike having aliens and plant sims in my game. They're a part of the game that I really think we should have the option of disabling if we choose to. I'd rather just have human sims, vampire sims and maybe if they ever get added in the future witches.

    I don't want to see green or blue people walking around like normal sims in my game. I don't really mind the abductions though as long as none my sims come back pregnant with aliens.
  • Yeah i dont get it, why isnt it somewhere in between? Ive only ever seen one qlien in the game and they were disguised anyway. I want to at least see an abduction once without causing it myself. But i don't even really like aliens so it would suuuuuck to see them all the time.