Forum Discussion

rebeccah101's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Vet career glitch?

Just wondering if I’m doing something wrong or if it’s a glitch.
I can’t seem to get owners to pay their bills after checking the pets. The option bill owner comes up but doesn’t do anything.
Anyone experience anything similar?
  • One of my hired vets always, without fail, comes to work tired - even in the middle of the day. She goes to the couch and goes to sleep (despite the fact that I put a bed in the employee room). She is absolutely useless, because she always either goes to sleep or looks at posters. I would fire her, but there's never time cause I'm so busy running the business. My robovac also ignores messes a lot. Hopefully they fix all this soon.
  • I've noticed that I can't select bill owner if the star above their head gets to low. However, if I dismiss patient, I still get paid and I still earn points.

    As for the management of employees, If "Don't" appears before the tasks, they are assigned to do said task. If it lacks that word they aren't doing said job.

    As for useless employees, they stay useless even when I give them training. However, by promoting the correct employee and praising them and asking how they feel, they start taking more initiative.
  • I had the same problem, but when i removed Mc command center and some of my family members followed me to the vet whitout me bringing them I let the stay. And that seem to fix the problem for now!
  • So has anyone else had the issue where a patient checks in, and as they are waiting, their cat starts running around like crazy and leaves the lot to go to the complete other side of the map? I've had this happen several times, and sometimes they will come back, but it takes like 3 sim hours, all while the rating is dropping. Or they glitch out and never return, also dropping my rating. It's infuriating!

    As to some of the other posts I've seen; If you are having a hard time getting your other hired vets to do any work, set just one task, and pay for training every night. They still ignore patients and messes sometimes, but it seems to decrease the frequency.
  • I have a question, I am playing The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs and what happens sometimes is with the examinations I do all of tests and their is still no diagnosis? Then I took the patient to surgery and still nothing? Do I need to do something else or is this a glitch?
  • "EmeraldTame;c-16914455" wrote:
    I have a question, I am playing The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs and what happens sometimes is with the examinations I do all of tests and their is still no diagnosis? Then I took the patient to surgery and still nothing? Do I need to do something else or is this a glitch?

    Do they uncover all of the symptoms first? If they do and there's still no treatment, I believe there's an option to put the cone on the animal, and that will act as the treatment. But, yes, that sounds like a glitch. Try repairing your game in Origin.
  • I have been running a vet clinic for a little bit now, but every time I give the pet a treatment, a -25 or whatever shows up, but behind it is like a green blob of something. Is that the bill for my services or is it something else?
  • "Brooke32126;c-17130491" wrote:
    I have been running a vet clinic for a little bit now, but every time I give the pet a treatment, a -25 or whatever shows up, but behind it is like a green blob of something. Is that the bill for my services or is it something else?

    Think of it like "the cost of materials".
    Even as the owner, you pay to give a treatment. Shouldn't worry, as what you charge the customer after everything's done is more than enough to cover the cost.
    Well, as long as you aren't just giving every pet every treatment thinking "well, it's got to be ONE of these!" lol!
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    Hey friends this thread has been inactive for a long time so I'm going to close it off. If you have any questions about necroposting you can read this thread here : Necroposting