5 months ago
Save file is in the save folder but it would show up in the game
So recently my game has been freezing. I searched it up on this and someone said to take the whole sims 4 folder out and play a new one, so I did that. I wanted to try it out with the save that kept freezing, but it wouldn't show up when I put it into the new sims 4 folder. Then, I tried my original sims 4 folder but It still wouldn't show up even though all my others did. I literally see the couple files in the save folder and no matter what I do or how many times I drag those files out and put them back in or shut my computer off or take the whole sims 4 folder out it still wont show up. Please send help asap because this is my favorite folder and I've been playing with this family for almost nine generations. Thanks!