3 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
error 22
I don't know what to do, i can't go to cas i have a white screen and it kicks me out of the game, also I can't enter any save, i have mods so can someone help and sorry for my english.
I don't know what to do, i can't go to cas i have a white screen and it kicks me out of the game, also I can't enter any save, i have mods so can someone help and sorry for my english.
Lassie1990 Please see this post for a list of mods known to break CAS:
If anything in your game is still not working after that, please see this thread for a list of mods and cc known to be broken in general:
Anything not on that list either, you'll need to test manually. The 50/50 method can make the process a lot more efficient:
it doesn't work i also I tried to take out all the mods and still don't work.
I'll just reinstall the game maybe that will help
Lassie1990 Try a clean user folder. Move the entire Sims 4 folder out of Documents > Electronic Arts, and when you launch th egame, a clean folder will spawn with no content. (Your saves and other content will be intact in the folder you've moved but temporarily not read by the game.) Don't add anything to the new folder yet; just start a new save and see how it runs.