KueiMei I don't see the dxdiag here. Please try attaching it again. By the way, this is not an EA-side issue, at least not entirely, so I wouldn't wait for EA to fix it. This is a system issue, something about the way the computer's software interacts with Sims 4. That means it's on the user to fix it.
lostinusa73 Thanks for the info. If you're willing to share, I'd like to see a dxdiag from your computer, so I can compare it to others with the same issue.
katiehumen Sherlock2watson Please try the clean user folder, as described above, and if it doesn't help, provide a dxdiag as well.
redhead0966 Please post a dxdiag.
Elliecats Please post a screenshot of the error you're seeing. If you use any mods or custom content, please also remove the Mods folder and let me know whether that helps. You don't need to save your progress; this is just for testing.