25 days agoNewcomer
Game won't update
I tried updating the game 5 times now, it starts loading and never moves past 0%, then gives me an error. I tried clearing the cache already, it did nothing.
I tried updating the game 5 times now, it starts loading and never moves past 0%, then gives me an error. I tried clearing the cache already, it did nothing.
NuyaStone Please try repairing instead of updating (EA App > Sims 4 > Manage > Repair).
If that doesn't help, try manually uninstalling and reinstalling the 2022 VC++ runtimes, which Sims 4 and the EA App use. Click Windows key-i, select Apps, scroll down to the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables, click on any version from 2015 or later, and select Uninstall. Don't touch the older versions. You can download the newest runtimes directly from Microsoft:
You'll need both the x86 and x64 versions of the 2015-2022 runtimes, but you can skip the ARM version, which is for a different class of device. Restart your computer after installing and before trying to play.
I am having the exact same problem. So frustrated!
My game is also doing the same thing. I have tried everything and nothing works. If you found a solution please update us.
lkb2q6365fth Did you try my suggestions above?
Wavykmt I've moved your post to a current thread about this issue. Please try my suggestions above.