xingbell Your computer is definitely capable of handling everything Sims 4 throws at it in theory, but your dxdiag lists a serious crash of the graphics driver, or one of them (and a pile of other errors that look like you were trying to debug the issue yourself). So please do a clean uninstall and reinstall of both drivers, as described here:
Use the drivers provided by Dell for your laptop, which I believe is this one:
But you can double-check by clicking This Device on the site and entering your service tag. Point is, download both graphics drivers so you can install them manually, while your computer is still offline, after removing the current ones.
The proper order of operations here is remove the Nvidia driver > remove the Intel driver > restart > reinstall the Intel driver > restart > reinstall the Nvidia driver > restart, all while offline.
If this doesn't help, please post a new dxdiag.
estterr Please test with no mods or custom content, as in, remove the Mods folder and delete localthumbcache.package. If that doesn't help, please provide a dxdiag, as described above.
badevi Este foro todavía no incluye suporte para otras lenguas. Pero creo que el problema en tu sistema es el archivo de página, que is pequeño y puede tener un error. Hay que eliminar el archivo de página y crearlo de nuevo. Para hacerlo, usa las instrucciones aquí en la sección "Solución alternativa":
para cambiar los tamaños inicial y máximo a 0 (cero). Reinicia el sistema, cambia el inicial a 12288 y el máximo a 16384, y reinicia otra vez.
Si necesitas más ayuda en español, por favor usa el foro aquí: