FairClarity If you've selected Properties > Installed Files > Verify integrity of the game files, you've repaired the game through Steam.
A mod-related issue is not a game bug by definition. Bugs are instances of the game not functioning as the developers had intended, but that only means the game itself, not third-party content. Because of the way this site was built, bug reports can't be moved to other forums, so anything that's not a genuine bug report gets locked and the user sent to the relevant subforum. It's an imperfect workaround to the current setup. The alternative, to leave non-bug-related threads in the bug forum, risks wasting QA's time on issues that are not caused by a problem with the game itself.
If you'd like mod-related help, there's a Mods subforum here:
The Sims 4 Mods & Custom Content | EA Forums
Or we can move this thread to the Mods forum. You can ask for that in a reply here, or just hit the Report button (click the cog wheel in the upper-right corner of the page, underneath your username) and request that the thread be moved to Mods.