I just wanted to re-iterate that owned restaurants are a problem as are residential rentals that are owned by an active household. I didn't have problems with "community lots" including residential rental apartments.
This is before last weeks patch. Between the weather inside and broken businesses everywhere most of my households aren't playable correctly right now for my gameplay. So that and PEPS has me not even playing my game.
I just built one two weeks ago and moved two families in. It's when they are owned you can't actually run them. Like the other... businesses. LOL
Just so sad not to be enjoying OFB 2 right now!
Yeah, let me clarify then. I bought the Cats and Dogs pack and the Get To Work pack at the same time, roughly 1 day after the burglars patch (Businesses and Hobbies prepatch). The NPC-owned default retail stores and vet clinics present in the game were not working, with no NPCs spawning, none at all. Not even random bystanders walking past the streets, it was just my Sim.
After the patch mentioned in my previous post, the vet clinics and retails stores became functional again.
This appears to be a separate bug triggered by the burglars patch, but resulting in similar outcomes. I did not test player owned stores nor clinics so I cannot comment on them working or not, being fixed or not. Plus you are a living proof of this other bug not being fixed with the hotfix post-burglars.
This is why this thread has blown up with so many replies right after the burglars patch.
This bug related to the patch has also been fixed for me. I came to inform about this because of this new bug being lumped together with the rest of this thread's bugs. New reports in separate threads of this burglars patch bug were being closed as duplicates of this one.
Fwiw, I am not experiencing your bug, but I don't know if I experienced it before the hotfix or not. Apologies, I wish I could be of more help here.