
HakhaKZ1's avatar
Rising Veteran
2 months ago
Under Investigation

Playing Emotionally on the Piano is no longer possible

Product: Sims 4

Plattform:  PlayStation 5, Version Nr. 2.06

How often does the Bug occur? Always

When my Sim will play Emotionally on the antique Piano, it is always grayd out. Although the Piano isn‘t broken. I can play anything on it, except playing Emotionally is not possible. I can‘t repair the Piano. Even though I replaced this, play Emotionally is still grayed out.

What do you exept to see? That I can repair the Piano or replace it, so that my Sim can play emotionally.

Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title fit archived bug report: [ARCHIVED] Playing emotionally on the Piano is no longer possilble | EA Forums - 11672273 

Generally bugs still open in the archive do not need to be re-reported unless you have new info.



  • Hi HakhaKZ1 

    I've added tags for mods/cc and platform from your AHQ report but could you please add this info as tags yourself for new threads. Thanks.

  • I have the same issue on Windows 11 PC - installed through the EA App. No mods and no CC installed.

    Packs installed: Growing Together, Island Living, Get Famous, Seasons, Cats & Dogs, City Living, Get Together, Get to Work, Parenthood, Spa Day, Outdoor Retreat, My First Pet, Laundry Day, Toddler, Fitness, Vintage Glamour, Backyard, Romantic Garden, Spooky, Perfect Patio, Castle Estate, Desert Luxe, Blooming Rooms.

  • Yea, same here on Xbox. Own all dlcs, obv. no cc or mods for me on console.

  • Experiencing the same issue on the PS4. I have all but business chic kit downloaded on my console.

  • HakhaKZ1's avatar
    Rising Veteran
    23 days ago

    It breaks my Heart when I see, my Sim sitting down at the Piano on his own, because he wants to play emotionally. And it doesn‘t work!
    Please, please fix this Bug.

  • lambcaey's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    19 days ago

    Same here on my Windows 11 PC. How is someone supposed to repair a non-electric piano???

  • NameGani's avatar
    New Adventurer
    6 hours ago

    I keep killing off the nannies because they're not doing anything with the infants, so everyone in the family keeps getting sad.  Try to use the piano that came with Grow Together to play emotionally and it's grayed out for children, adults don't get the option.  Started in a new game after getting Life and Death, game is fully updated, event was completed in another save before starting this game.

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