
abs_clown_shoes's avatar
New Novice
14 days ago
Needs Info

[PS] Scrolling too fast randomly

This issue has been happening since I purchased the game and seems to come and go. Lately, it's been every time I play and completely game-breaking, making me want to throw my console into traffic.

This issue was also never resolved but archived.

Re: [NEEDS SAVES] [PS4] Scrolling too fast randomly | EA Forums - 11316342

I've done two screen recordings of the issue. Nothing but closing and restarting the game fixes it now.

In the first video, I'm trying to select the fencing I want. I close out of the color selection to demonstrate that it happens even when trying to select a fence. Managing to click on the one I want (through luck) I now want the pink color. Same thing: just keep gently moving and as little as possible until I land on it by pure luck.

This happens no matter where I am in the game, regardless of menu, and it happens with the D pad and joystick on the PS controller.

The second video demonstrates that it happens on other menus as well. I am just trying to exit to the menu, not save. Eventually, I give up and save & exit because that's the only option I can land on to get me back to the main menu. Going back to the main menu has sometimes resolved the issue in the past, but not lately - it was still happening there.

It makes doing simple tasks like selecting dialogue for my Sim a major annoyance and more complicated tasks such as building anything an absolute nightmare. It happens the most in Build Mode, so this is my nightmare.

I have no mods. Purely vanilla game with only a few expansions. But this has been happening since I only had the main game and no expansions whatsoever, so I know it's not an expansion issue.

Yes, I've done the basics. Cleared space. Made sure the game is up to date. My system is also always up to date. Yes, I checked anyway.

Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title fit migrated bug report

Archived thread had around 168 me toos

Generally bugs still open in the archive do not need to be re-reported unless you have new info.


  • HALirious9k's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    13 days ago

    I’ve been struggling with this bug for years. It’s absolutely random, there’s no course of action guaranteed to reproduce it, and there’s no known remedy. 

    The silver lining is that you don’t have to quit the game: in a couple of minutes, tops, the glitch corrects itself — as a superstition, I fiddle a bit with the pause menu, going up and down, up and down, until the bug gets tired and goes away. 

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