
MoodyUniicorn's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
6 months ago
Needs Info

Sims will suddenly go 'Out of the World' to infinity

Ive had a few time where which ever sim I was playing I would give a comand and they would start walking like they were responding but next thing I know they just kept walking off the map They would walk through rocks, trees, wouldnt take normal path like other sims on the map. I wasnt able to bring them back until I remebered the "teleport here" cheat. Ive never experienced anything like this before. I dont play with mods or cc my game has beeen very vanilla and base game for a while now before the new expansion pack. After I bought love struck a number of other bugs started happening. Ive never ever have had problems before with my game other that the usual but rare game freeze/crash. The other bugs Ive noticed have all been reported but  this bug is what I dont see reported. I wish I had a video to upload but I dont unfortunately. I will update with video when i happens again.

Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title fit bug report at AHQ


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  • Same thing just happened to me! I asked her to clean up some dishes and she just started walking straight into the river, fully submerged, until she came out the other side and walked off the map. I did take a video because I found it so funny but I don't think I am able to attach it to a comment. I got her back by clicking on a random lot and making her visit that family. The only expansion packs I have are seasons and eco lifestyle.

  • Status changed:

    This should have an active AHQ Bug report but I can't find it atm.

  • Happened to me today. He kept walking until he stepped off the map and into outer space.  I finally had to "resetsim" and then use "teleport here". The funny thing was that his feet kept moving in Outerspace, but he went nowhere. 😆

  • I have encountered the same issue/a similar issue.  Sims walk off the map and continue infinitely. Initially, I experienced this while using mods but, as I had a save one minute before, after reloading the game without mods, the issue occurred again immediately.

    Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Directed a Sim to use the bathroom at a lot in Granite Falls.
    2. The Sim walks towards the bathroom, then suddenly turns around and faces a cardinal direction.
    3. The Sim begins walking through walls, objects, and terrain directly, continuing infinitely without following the usual path.
    4. The Sim eventually disappears from the map.
    5. Right-clicking the Sim’s portrait brings the camera to the furthest point in that direction, showing no objects or Sims.

    Expected Behavior:
    The Sim should complete the action of using the bathroom, without walking through terrain or disappearing off the map.

    Actual Behavior:
    The Sim walks through objects and terrain, continuing indefinitely. Cancelling the action of using the toilet doesn't resolve the issue. Instead, the Sim queues up actions with objects on the lot (e.g., sleeping on a bed). While the Sim appears in a sleeping state, right-clicking on the portrait shows the Sim past the boundaries of the map, and the bed remains empty.

    Additional Information:

    • The issue occurred both with and without mods, so it seems to be unrelated to the mods used.
    • The problem happens immediately after reloading the game without mods.

About The Sims 4 Bug Reports

Report bugs for The Sims 4 on PC, Mac, Playstation, and Xbox.Latest Activity: 3 months ago