2 months agoHero+
I don't want them. EA wants them. Best is to DM them to a Sims Community Manager.
31 days agoNew Veteran
I sent the info to EA_Cade. Thanks for editing the post. I tried to post them as links before, but the forum keeps giving me random errors. It complained about an invalid span or something when I had them as links, so I just put them as plain text. The rich text editor is buggy with Chrome. I've had issues with other posts too.
- Varnadore12325 days agoSeasoned Spectator
CharityCodesany update?
- CharityCodes24 days agoNew Veteran
Varnadore123EA_Cade acknowledged the DM and said the information was forwarded to the EA team. We'll still have to wait. I asked EA_Cade to let us know if the team needs more saves or is what I provided enough.
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