The Wingman and Peacekeeper are objectively overpowered
Its safe to say these two guns are ruining the game right now on PC. They are too strong and pretty much everyone who is aware of this is using them every single game. This also has the effect of making the game extremely boring playing against and with the same weapons every single match. The Wingman. This gun requires basically no attachments to be the strongest gun in the game. Most full auto weapons are SIGNIFICANTLY weaker without extended mags and have significantly higher recoil without other attachments. You can literally just pickup the base Wingman and be good to go. The argument that the gun is 'only good if you can aim well so its balanced' is a terrible one. Essentially every gun in the game is terrible unless you can aim well. The high TTK in this game requires you to hit people with upwards of 10 bullets from a fully auto weapon so you cant get away with bad aim regardless of weapon Its harder to land all your shots with automatic weapons between the recoil, high strafe speed and game movement and high TTK because you have to constantly track your target and generally have low mag sizes. The gun has basically no recoil, extremely high damage per shot especially headshots(only 10 less body shots than a sniper) and a high rate of fire. Its effective at most if not all effective combat ranges. For all these things the hipfire accuracy of the gun isnt even bad making it even more ridiculous. The Peacekeeper 1. Again the gun requires no attachments to be god tier. 2. Basically as good as the Mastif a legendary drop weapon yet is so common that theres enough of them for every single player on the server 3. The range on this gun is absurd and the choke basically lets you snipe with it 4. Close quarters with an SMG i have to perfectly land every single shot on a fast moving target while controlling recoil to kill someone, often times requiring at least one reload. Meanwhile someone with a Peacekeeper just has to hipfire twice in my general direction to nearly instantly kill me. Fair? Balanced?3.6KViews18likes42CommentsInventory Change and Loot nerfs
The purpose behind this patch was to reduce grenade spam at the end of the match, the idea is fine but I think the nerf of ammo from 80 to 60 is an extremely bad move. Even reducing the amount of shield cells and syringe from 6 to 4 can be considered as a bad move but it can be dealt by adjusting. But the ammo nerf is seriously crap. I calculated and found that increase of 2 inventory isn't quite compensating for nerf of so many crucial items, atleast for me. Might be the fact that I'm not a predator level player but I think majority of the community aren't predator level players. I'd kinda request to take back the nerfs on ammo, sheild cells and syringes or atleast add 2 more slots to each tier of backpack.1.6KViews18likes34CommentsVolt / Devotion too powerful. Time to kill feels like CoD.
New meta is volt or devotion and get somewhat close. Near instant time to kill. Why does this feel like call of duty now? I don't play CoD because of the very fast time to kill. Poor decision in my opinion. Why make the game like another game, people will just go back to CoD. Longer time to kill and being able to shoot back is what made Apex great. Now you will die to the volt or devo if you use ANY other gun. Maybe the r99 could compete, but good luck finding one now. Prowler auto was nerfed so hard that bullets go around people now.. These guns need a change or it will be nothing but volts and devotions on every winning team. Is that the meta you wanted?!?1.9KViews16likes20CommentsSwap the bow with triple take
The Bow is absolutly insane its ruining the game for me entirely it just does far to much damage and shoots far to quickly, how it got through QA I will never know. I never understood triple take going into the care package, it's a good gun but it's not care package good imo. I think the easiest solution is stick the bow in the care package as it is and make it a late game drop like the kraber and give back the triple take, the bow should be a feared weapon but when everyone has 1 it's out of control. I do feel honestly this has to happen straight away its ridiculous so many people are upset about the bow. Rant over going to play another game until things change938Views15likes15CommentsPop-up window to show our team the weapons and optics we want (IMAGE ATTACHED)
There should be a way to mark the weapons and optics we want to use so our teammates can ping when they find them. The solution I'm coming up with is a pop-up window that shows all guns and optics available in the game, and when we mark the ones we want, not only our character will say the name of the item (exactly as is with other items) but also our teammates are gonna see the icon on those items so they know what we are looking for. I attached an image I made myself to show that window so the idea can be better understood.948Views13likes3Comments