Forum Discussion
84 Replies
removed? no
nerfed? yes.
literally getting 2 tapped from 30 meters back, in under 1 second, when you're on purple armor 100% with 100% health is the most poorly designed thing in this game, not even a kraber can do that outside of a headshot.
Honestly it's so broken in its current state I think it should be removed. At least until they can find proper balance for it.
-They are way to common
-Range is way to far
-Damage is way to high (Whoever thought it should 2 shot someone in purple armor needs to be fired)
-It needs no attachments to be this good
Not to mention every single person you come across has one. If by some god like miracle they don't it's only because they didn't find one or they are somehow unaware of how stupidly broken the gun is.
Everything else balance wise is pretty damn good but that gun is just stupid.
No, its a shotgun not a water gun , its suppose to hurt, if anything the range should be nerf a little but outside of that its fine, shotguns , smgs are weapons that suppose to shred you in close range, leave it to you guys the only good guns in the game are gonna be lmg's and Assault rifles.
Yeah other guns are supposed to hurt too. The Peacekeeper makes every single gun at close range irrelevant. You will not beat it with any AR, Sniper, Smg, or Pistol in the game. Maybe if the person using the shotgun has nubs for hands and is an all around * of a human being...otherwise not a chance in hell.
There shouldn't be an end all be all gun for close range which is exactly how this game is already. That is a massive balance problem. If you can't see the issue in that than there is no helping you.
also if you read my post at all I said everything else in this game is pretty balanced.
- Just because you had one bad experience with the gun doesn't mean it should be 'removed'.
Just nerf it.
@MagmaticWolf wrote:-They are way to common
This. I have never seen the other shotgun ever, just Peacekeeper, the auto shotgun and the pistol.
[CM Edit] Git gud and dont let anyone get close enough to use it on you?
- I definitely disagree with you that it should be removed. The only thing that needs to be touched as many people have stated is just how readily available it is to find from the get go. The only other change I'd be alright with is upping the damage a little more but turning it into a double barrel or something. Having to reload shells after each shot. (not just cocking)
The peacekeeper isnt horrible, but it could use a small nerf
A. the shot spread angle could be wider, so the hitbox gets bigger with range and you cant hit all pellets outside 5m (im not even sure the current pellets are treated as true independent projectiles)
B. The range damage falloff could be higher.
- I'll chime in. Removed? Hell naw. It's my main, yes main weapon.
I've read stories on these forums that ppl get shot from 30 meter and die in 1/2 hits. That's either some great hogwash or it's random luck/the platform you're on. I have alot of kills and about 80% of them are with my peacekeeper. The gun is inconsistent as all freezing underworld.
I shoot a guy point black in the chest, nets me anywhere from 60-100dmg, few meters away and I get anywhere from 7-58. I 'scoped' a guy at like 15m who was standing still with a choke on and only hit him 60... how do ppl die at 30-50 in 1/2 shots!
I've had instances (probs a bug) where my aim is dead center on a guy and all shots miss somehow.
So no, the gun will and should not be removed, nerf the distance, that I can accept, cause a shotty shouldn't be able to dmg ppl from afar. But I'm more dangerous with the EVA-80 than the peacekeeper. I'm amazed nobody wants a nerf on that one XD.
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