Forum Discussion
121 Replies
- yes it is a good weapon but it shouldn't be taking people out fast the time to kill is insane and is the meta at the moment for sure
- I think other guns should be buffed to compete not nerfing it
@ttvTetimor1 wrote:The Wingman should be nerfed a little bit, EVERYONE uses it and its stronger than most shotguns!
Wait wait wait. In the title you ask if it should be nerfed, but your OP already suggest that it should. What kind of weird misleading contradiction is that! XD I was ready to typ a solid 'no' as a response to your title XD.
You can't compare the Wingman to a shotgun... well you can, you just did, but it's not in the same ballpark as shotguns. Shotguns use shotgun ammo, wingman uses heavy ammo, heavy ammo weapons either hit hard or fast (prowler/flatline).
Just like the p2020 you have to aim properly to land shots, so I don't think it should be nerfed. First peacekeeper, now peacekeeper and wingman. Next you guys will want the prowler nerfed. Next is 'no ganging up on one enemy'
(not directed towards you OP) People should just watch their backs and die with sliver of dignity.
I think the problem is that aimboters like to use the wingman and get nothing but headshots with skullpiercer.
Makes it seem op. In reality its actually quite difficult to get headshots on moving targets with the thing in a face to face gunfight.
Nope, I don't think the wingman should be nerfed.
- all it needs is a RoF nerf(a small one)
- It needs a nerf. But not in the way that you think. Take away the crosshair. Completely. Iron sights and ads sure, but no crosshair at all. Spoiler alert: do the same to the peacekeeper.
- Well as a wingman user yeah its bit op but just reducing rof would be enough, nerfing it more would make it useless as trying to hit anything wouldn't be worth for the dmg and picking any other gun would be always better.
nerfed ? i disagree just get better at aiming why woude you punish others for being good at aiming ?.
sry if my english is a bit broken still getting better at it 🙂
I think i agree with nerfing the wingman, not only is it powerful in enemy hands but its also powerful in your hands.
Think about it for a minute. Wingman can do 45 damage per shot, can fire insanely quick for a revolver, now look at the longbow, can hit for 55, and fire so much slower. Wingmans dps is massively more than a longbow due to its fire rate the only difference is one is better at range
The main issue with it is that its hip fire accuracy is so small you dont even need to ads in close quarters, you just pop 6-9 bullets in their general direction and they will hit, no ads necessary.
In my opinion it needs a fire rate nerf, damage is fine, but fire rate is ridiculously over powered.
180 damage in 4 shots that can be shot rather quickly and accurately is insanity, sure 5 of your initial 6 bullets would need to hit to kill but add a heavy extended mag to it and your chances are much higher. I dont even know how adding an extended magazine to a revolver works logically and feel it should be removed. Getting a lucky head shot that with skullpiercer that deals 120 can be really easy if you have good aim.
maybe add a higher accuracy multiplier (recoil) so the cross hair isn't as close together upon firing quickly
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