My findings about SBMM smurfs+main account data (PC)
My background: I started playing FPS games just before Apex launched with Pubg. So when i started playing Apex my K/d was 0,2 or something(you can guess how bad i was). As seasons passed i improved with a lot of gameplay and my s3 K/d was approaching to 4 before SBMM (Solo que only). Then i dropped back to 1,6 ish K/D. Gathered a team, made it to Pred even though we werent very good players our team effort made us gain ranks.
My main account:
10,000 ish kills
Predator rank
1,60 K/D (Lifetime K/D 1,29, season2 k/d 1,58 with a lot worse gameplay)
137 Season Wins
%5 Win rate (Lifetime winrate 10%)
+Ranked stats:
1,4 K/D (including solo * ups and hot drops)
33 wins /303 played ( +%10 winrate ) I won 2x more games while i was making my way to pred!
Spent around 600euro to the game
SBMM: I am unable to play with my main account when i solo que, every team i encounter is incredibly talented 3 stacked preds+diamonds. I am also a very new streamer so if i que i que with the viewers mostly and it is impossible to play. This wasnt much different when i was in Platinum rank, that is why i played ranked.
My smurf:
1K kills
Platinum Rank
40 ish season wins
10% Win rate
SBMM: It works perfect! I encounter with teams that are just like me! Yes i get to kill more people when i play smart. If i make a small mistake in the fight, i can still recover.. If i make a big mistake ofc i get killed. The same goes with the other players in my lobby, if they do something very stupid they get punished but it is unlike my main account. Now i get to play with excitement and also i dont encounter many noobs. So its not pub stomping, it is a bit forgiving but not insanely hardcore as my main account. (112hours played, at first i thought yeah it will send me to crazy lobbies in a few hours but no.)
So when we compare both accounts; Main has much lower K/D, a lot of play time and 2 more ranks so it sends me to crazy lobbies all the time and waiting time for ques are much longer. My smurf has better K/D, more winning ratio and SBMM sends me to exactly where i should be! SBMM is either checking my playtime, lifetime kills or total season wins which doesnt have anything to do with skill! (As i mentioned, i was getting into same lobbies when i was plat with my main account.) Now i can play with my smurf all day, stream something watchable with excitement and its not as easy as before SBMM buti can still say it works fine! My smurf has exactly the same ratio of Win/Matches played as my mains season 2 which is around 9% ( which should be a lot higher since i am a lot better player now but the games are harder). Every 10-20 games i encounter with stacked smurfs but that is also fine by me!
In the end i play and enjoy the game with my free smurf account perfectly fine, and my main account which i paid a lot can not be played/enjoyed in solo experience. The data that they are checking has nothing to do with skill and it breaks the game. The skill is not measured by playtime or lifetime kills, it is not fair to send someone that played a lot to basically skrim lobbies! I might play a lot a lot, get a lot of lifetime kills in freaking 11 months and i can still be pepega because i have no FPS experience before this game! I hope someone from respawn can read this but i suppose they already know wtf is broken with SBMM but they are waiting for new season.
P.s: English is my 2nd language, i hope everything is easy to read.