Season 24 gameplay is painful
I don't usually express my thoughts on this level, but I feel this is the right time to do.
Following the Support Legends buff (Newcastle, Lifeline and Gibraltar) the game became unbearable and that was one of the reasons I stopped playing daily like I always used to. It felt that unless my team had at least 2 of these characters there was no point to play...
As a Loba main, with Watson, Catalyst and Ash as my secondary players, I felt as if I could not offer anything to the team, and it made me lose interest. Of course the Loba buffs were nice, but I could only win if we had at least 2 of the meta.
With the new Season 24 updates, I was sceptical about them. It felt like the game would lose its unique character. I still gave it a chance.
To my frustration, the game has become like every other BR game. Skill, movement or using your character's abilities will not take you anywhere. If the enemy team starts shouting first, you are dead. This is something that Apex had unlike all other games like COD. In Apex it was about skill and movement, and this made it soooooo exciting.
I'm not saying all of S24 updates are bad, but the fact that I can kill or get killed faster than a fly, well this sucks! I don't feel I earn it, or deserve it. Just because the characters lost their helmets, guns for buffed, but the skill was erased.
It is nice to see the fresh perspective of guns, their evolution from the stations.
It is soooooo frustrating that the moment I get shot, I know I am dead no matter what I do.. which is something that Apex had advantage against all other games! As a Loba main, I can no longer escape, being the teams revival hope. If I try to reposition mid fight, I'm dead, no matter what. The killing is simply outrageous... No skill involved, just shooting...
I am not the best player, in ranked I reached Gold I(close to platinum but did not achieve it) I was a terrible player when I started playing. In 2 years time I am truly shocked of the way I play, and I know I can take on enemies, even successfully outmastering the Masters. I can kill, do tons of damage, revive and outsmart enemies, not necessary because I am better than them in gameplay, but because I know how to use my skills against a better player.
Now it doesn't matter if that person is new in game or a master, it's whoever sees the other first.
I truly believe this is a really bad direction the game is taking, trying to satisfy the non so skillful players with easy kills and wins..
Apex Legends is about skill, position and exploiting your legends abilities. What does it matter if you are a Lifeline or an Ash, if I see you first, well you are dead.
The only thing this game needed after the 3 meta legends, was to re-balance the game. The new idea of weapons is fun, but making the gameplay as COD BR in killings, big mistake!
I don't know if there are more players that share the same thoughts as me, or feel this is unfair. It feels like the game is selling out itself..