@Karsot wrote:
Again you seem unbale to understand the basic concept of throwers. Let's say you have a Skill based MM sytem in place. Even if it throws smurfs and trolls out of the division in which you play instantly (meaning after just 1 match played) the throwers and the smurfs will still ruin your rating and you will be thrown as well to a lower division.
How is this hard to understand? If i want to destroy people all i have to do is just queue up and steal their loot, or never revive them or just leave, or rush and die or pick a character that brings nothing to the team composition. So many ways one can troll. Now if you happen to get in a match with 2 trolls in your squad you will lose the match and lose rating. Even if those people are instantly moved after your match to a different rank/divsion your stats will suffer and you will also be instantly moved.
Is this so hard to grasp?
On top of that the skill based mm bs you keep spouting here works great only for premade squads. What about solo people? What about duos? Those people are literally left at the hands of the algorythm. I know you could not give 2 flying * about solo people, but do you honestly believe the 25m players that play the game are all with premade squads? Nope. They are not.
Even if they do later introduce solos and duos what about the MM algorythm? Should they create 3 different MM algorygthms? One that takes into account solo stats and contribution, one that takes into account overall team contribution? How the * is that even going to work? You all claim you are over 30 but your arguments are lacking the depth of thought one would expect from a person over 20.
Does any of you in here have any idea how hard it is to program and develop a skill ranking algorythm? Sure there are pre-built models out there that one could borrow to get the basics and build on top of that like ELO ranking or Microsoft's TrueSkill, Glicko etc. but all of them have serious issues with credibility and NONE of them are designed for this type of games or even mutliplayer games (at least not ELO and Glicko). None of them take into consideration a ton of serious issues and of course none take into consideration trolls/throwers/cheaters, the existence of different characters, balance issues, network issues, hardware issues, software issues etc.
But sure let's bring this into this game sure it will fare great. Because you are all certain it will work 100% in your favour and you will magically start winning. You choose to not see the ton of other issues that will cause, like account boosting, selling boosts, account bombing (dropping ranks in purpose), exploitation of system vulnerabilities (queueing up only late at night to avoid noobs), server hoping (queueing on servers with high ping to get advantage of hing ping and hit registration issues caused by high ping).
But sure you are all over 30 and working full time with families but cannot think 2 steps ahead...
No one said that the MM system would be able to recognise a smurfing account based on 1 match played, so you should stop putting words in peoples mouths since I noticed you have a tendency to do that in your posts. If people who are already good at the game make a new account yes, they are going to stomp new players and "ruin" their games, but they will be able to do that in their first 10-20 games (?) before the system throws them into a higher tier and they are forced to face more competent players. I mean what is the alternative (what we have right now in other words), players who are having their first games being thrown into games against player with 400+ headshots and 600+ kills ? Are you honestly trying to tell me that that sounds fair to you ? Sure, you can argue that there might be 2-3 other squads of new players in the same match, and that those squads MIGHT run into each other and have a "fair fight", but than what ? As the game continues they will run into far more experienced players (assuming they didn't get killed in the first few minutes) and they will lose and get killed. What incentive do new players then have to play, if they will always be forced to face far more skilled adverseries that they have no chance of beating. Apex Legends is a game. The point of a game and the main incentive of it is the possibility for a player to win it. In it's current state, new players have no chance of winning (UNLESS they get 2 other very good players in their squad who will literally carry them to victory, but that is a rather hollow victory for the new player).
Is Skill-based MM a perfect system ? Ofc not. There will be smurfers, yes, but someone playing on a new account can for new players ruin probably around 10-20 matches, but right now, pretty much every game for a new player is ruined by the fact that he is placed in games against far better players. Is selling accounts going to be a thing ? Yes, but account selling can be a thing even without SBMM. And if a bad player buys a high-ranked account the same thing as with smurfers will happen except into the opposite direction. He will ruin 10-20 games for better players, and the system will throw him into a lower tier, since he is playing badly.
And no, no one expects "to magically start winning", peoples main complaint is that they are not getting any enjoyment out of the game and that they simply don't have an oportunity in the first place to get better, because they keep getting stomped by better players, that's all.