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6 years ago

Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

Welcome to the Apex Legends quality of life thread, collating all the various little mini improvements people would like to see into one giant thread that I will update semi regularly with additions from different people. These are little things that would make the gameplay feel more seamless and give people more control over their experience. The thread is a mixture of improvements that I've thought about and other suggested by other members.

I've struck through suggestions that have been addressed, or are no longer relevant. 


Weapon settings

  • Add a weapon settings tab while browsing weapon skins, this would include:
    • Default fire mode 
    • Specific weapon sensitivity tweaks
    • Favourite sight for weapon - When pinging I need a sight in the menu UI you will call out for your favourite sight.


  • An increase to the amount of new hop-ups each season 
  • More hop-ups that drastically change the way weapons behave

Triple Take

  • Ability to use select fire button to turn precision choke on and off when equipped..  (Added in SEASON 6)


  • Uses shield cells instead of batteries 


  • Picking up a fresh L-Star from the ground puts 20 energy ammo into your inventory if there is room. (QOL)


  • Double Tap stacks with Shotgun bolt  (Double tap was buffed in 4.0)

Bocek Compound Bow

  • Picking up a fresh Bocek from the ground puts a half stack of arrows into your inventory if there is room. (QOL)


  • Ability to use select fire button to turn precision choke on and off when equipped.(Added in SEASON 6)


  • New gold mid-range sight with digital threat
  • Ability to chose whether sights are hold or toggle at different zoom levels -DreamStare07
  • 1x digital threat can be used on assault rifles and LMGs
  • Ability to choose which specific sight you want on CP weapons 
  • Ability to lock sights onto weapons @Vytasa 



  • Will notify the team when a Kraber has been fired nearby and from what distance/direction.  - Gonepunk
  • Character Utility action button changes smoke patterns.  - Gonepunk



  • White markers above friendly traps.(BUFF)
  • Friendly and enemy gas to be different shades of green, friendly gas darker and less saturated, enemy gas brighter and more saturated. (BUFF)
  • Caustic gas still deals diminishing damage without slowing enemies and gives him Nox Vision for 3-4 seconds after they leave the gas. (BUFF)
  • Nox Vision works through walls. (BUFF)
  • Friendly gas no longer slows (BUFF)


  • Ability to get on Sheila from crouching position (QOL)


  • Ability to teleport into mid-air keeping momentum. (BUFF)
  • Movement not hindered while throwing bracelet. (BUFF) (Added in S9)
  • Ability to pick up Banners & Crafting materials that are in the radius of the Black Market Boutique (BUFF)
  • Ability to close BMB remotely - SILVERisSORRY
  • Loba gets an additional free item from the black market boutique (BUFF)
  • Ability to spend 60 crafting materials to reset your boutique limit (BUFF)
  • Personalised voice-lines when specific legends use the BMB or when specific items are taken (QOL) - c0mpl3x1ty1


  • Better use of Haptics/Rumble in controllers for seer's passive (QOL) - NEW
  • Using the Prompt to tell teammates there are no heartbeats does not also turn heartbeat sensor off (QOL) - NEW
  • More time between tactical activation and payoff to give people a bit more time to escape (NERF) (Changed in S10 and then reverted slightly - It's in a good spot now)


  • Ability to send decoys sidling & walking ADS. (BUFF)
  • Ultimate decoys copy legend movement, similar to Dummie Ultimate. (BUFF)
  • Decoys show damage taken to make them harder to distinguish from the real mirage. (BUFF) - NAFEAGAMER1
  • Upon successful revival of a teammate, mirage's invisibility last slightly longer so that he can distance himself from them safely. (BUFF) - Gonepunk
  • Enemies can hear footsteps of the tactical decoy  (BUFF) (Added in Season 8)


  • Potential new passive - (Using Survey beacons fully charges his ultimate and shows nearby squads in a 400m radius on the map for 10 seconds) (RE-WORK)


  • Use crows to make following tracks slightly easier, have them fly in a specific direction rather than just up.(QOL)
  • Footprint colour during ultimate more easily distinguishable from enemy colour. (QOL)
  • Bloodhound gives a rough indication of how long ago something happened in their voice-lines (QOL) @CompleatBeet @Koochi-Q 
  • Enemies scanned no longer clashes with other alerts like when the ring is moving. (QOL)
  • Far fewer passive clues picked up on scan during Beast of the hunt, during big fights there are often too many and they become a hinderance. (QOL)
  • Aiming reticles change to green when using Beast of the hunt. (See Blow) (QOL)  - Gonepunk (Custom Reticle colours added in S11)


  • Visual cues (portal becoming unstable) for 5 seconds before a portal is about to close. (QOL)
  • New inspect animations for Kunai Knife to be inline with other newer inspect emotes - TrainWRKTiff  (QOL)


  • Ability to end bubble early to start cooldown. (QOL)


  • Reduce initial speed from Gravity lift that ramps up the longer players are in it. (NERF) (Lift speed reduced by 30% in S9)
  • Reduce strafing wiggle room in Gravity lift by 30%. (NERF) (Strafing acceleration reduced in S9)


  • Octane does more whacky stuff on his jump-pad (QOL)  - Gonepunk
  • Jump-pad active the moment it hits the ground (Honestly the amount of time I've thrown it too close and ran over it without it activating makes me sad). (QOL)


  • Addition to passive that let's you 3x zoom when launching ordinance, for more accurate trajectory at range. (QOL)


  • More leeway when throwing ordinance away from her ultimate. (BUFF)
  • Using the "Extra Character Action" button destroys and refunds the last pylon you placed. (QOL)
  • Ability to charge Sentinel faster and the charge lasts twice as long.
  • Ability to charge Sentinel directly from pylon


  • Using Lifeline's tactical while it's on cooldown will proc a voice-line to teammates telling them that it isn't ready (cool-down 3 seconds)(QOL)


  • Pinging banners while operating the drone will trigger a voice line from crypto that tells squad-mates how many squads are in the area. (QOL) (Added around season 7-9)
  • Small Animation time on Survey / Respawn Beacon for more solid feedback. (QOL)  - Gonepunk
  • Drone can scan through all glass. (BUFF)
  • EMP knocks out enemy HUD and disables abilities for a short time. (BUFF) - ExiledPheonix42
  • Bar to show the health level of the drone (QOL)
  • While using drone you can target allies, enemies and self with the drone and it will attempt to follow from 20ft on autopilot (QOL)
  • Short press of tactical button will immediately enter drone - Long press will send drone out in a straight line until you let go of the button. (QOL)
  • Ability to pick up banners with drone with greater ease and from slightly further away (BUFF) - LIONLIONpoodle


  • Ultimate Icon shows when it is unavailable due to above clearance. (QOL)
  • All participating teammates immune to out of bound countdown while in the initial launch/takeoff stage of Ultimate. (QOL)


  • Holding the ultimate button while the weapon still has shots uses an ultimate accelerant if one is available. (QOL)


  • Ability to cancel tactical by holding the button so that it can start to cooldown faster when you don't need it. (BUFF)
  • Indicator for teammates when Newcastle is jumping to them with Ultimate so that they can be more aware. (QOL)

Mad Maggie

  • Boost pad SFX from ultimate is quieter within the sound mix. (QOL)


  • Revenant can climb for much longer  (BUFF) (QOL) (Revenant given extra climbing reach in Genesis update)
  • When returning to totem you face away by default to stop accidental destruction when firing while being sent back (QOL) - Dutchboy


  • A Legend that is immune to location scans ( Crypto?) @ExiledPhoenix42 (RE-WORK)


Ultimate Accelerant

  • 2 Ultimate Accelerants per stack instead of 1  (This is now part of Wattson's passive)
  • Can be used from the consumable menu (Used now by using ultimate while not active)
  • Ability to request Ultimate accelerants


Evo shields

  • Evo shields in the Deathbox UI and Tooltip will say how much damage they need until the next level.  (Addressed in Aftermarket Patch)


Worlds Edge 

  • Updraft now carries you much higher into the air, so getting stuck in an updraft loop is much harder. 


  • More danger warnings on railings that have a death drop on the other side.


  • More Tridents at the top of the map around Lightning rod.
  • A new Stormpoint exclusive survival item (Micro-Repulsor) that causes wildlife to avoid the area around it.

Tridents - Olympus & Stormpoint

  • Wattson's Inteceptors can be placed on trident
  • Trident movement is more responsive to fine adjustments
  • Bumping into enemies has more knock back and could even do minor damage while boosting.
  • Ability to change seats without getting out of the trident


Legend Selection Screen

  • System in place to stop selection spamming on the select screen, the bright selection light could potentially trigger Epilepsy. @DrWizardo
  • Ability to see character specific challenges on the legend ability overlay. @DoYaSeeMe 
  • Ability to Role cue, when you pick a specific legend to role cue as, you will be paired up with together with players that have role cue'd as different legends, those legends will be greyed out for other team-members, but you can still change your mind and choose a non-dibbsed legend if you wish. (NEW)
  • Ability to rank favourite 3 legends in order, so that when your ideal legend is chosen the next legend to get picked as the timer runs out is your next available favourite legend. @ManoftheRhino (THIS HAS BEEN ASKED FOR A LOT)


  • Death-boxes of allies glow green regardless of what tier loot is in them. @Wingmannedbro 
  • More ease in reviving team-mates behind doors without accidentally opening the door you're hiding behind. @BillyBlazes44 


  • Replicators that arrive after the game has started have a special golden item to craft inside that is unique to that Replicator. (Golden Weapon: 90 , Armour: 100 , Knockdown shield: 75 , Backpack: 100 or Helmet: 70) 
  • More options regarding crafting Ammo, ability to craft full stacks of a specific ammo type. Cycle ammo options using the swap weapon button. (New)
  • Using the replicator requires holding the interact button, this is to stop players from getting sucked into the replicator when reloading or picking up items.
  • Ability to craft shield cells and syringes in the machine by using the swap weapon button on the shield battery & med kit options to cycle between options.


  • Option to prioritise reloading over other actions when your current weapon needs reloading. - @OldTreeCreeper 
  • Option for Auto-run to only trigger when weapons are holstered - Gc995
  • Option to remap specific actions to different buttons, for example making the revive button the same as melee. @MandatoryIDtag
  • Option in controls to have primary fire button bring out your weapons when they are holstered instead triggering a melee attack. @Wingmannedbro 
  • Ability to remap revive & self revive separately from the interact button, to avoid opening doors by accident while reviving. @FireSoulVortex

Ping System

  • More ping options available while dropping @BillyCrash100 
  • More ease of precision pinging while dropping to say where you are going. ( Very often if someone has pinged a location the area surrounding the location is difficult to ping due to proximity to that ping until you get very close. Very often you can end up accidentally saying no to a location ping instead of actually putting down a marker yourself.
  • Ability to respond "no" and "I can't" to all pings. @CompleatBeet 
  • Change "I can't" ping to "I can't right now" ping.


  • Add a pinned challenge page where you can choose between your daily, weekly and event challenges @DoYaSeeMe  (Added Favourites in S9)
  • Ability to switch between Weekly, Daily & Pinned challenges on the Map overlay @jonesy0218
  • Occasional variations in map weather in localised areas. @OldTreeCreeper @Tobi25561 

The Ring

  • Reduced vision impairment when running on the edge of the ring.
  • Consistent and occasional alarms as ring is moving for people that are outside of the ring.
  • Ability to adjust ring movement notifications in the UI, or turn them off completely. @OldTreeCreeper 

Dropship & Diving

  • Voicelines muted while on the dropship.
  • Sound when players with dive trails equipped leave volume reduced in mix.
  • Ability for jump-master to breakaway from team-mates towards the end of the drop. @JimPinnuchi 


  • Ability to see number of kills & damage output of squad members by their health bars.
  • Shields at the top of death-boxes for ease of swapping - SILVERisSORRY
  • Little pop-up with character faces on dibsed items to clarify what has been dibsed. -DYSPROssium
  • Ability to see own damage output next to kill count. (Only on team-mates in your party)  (Added in Season 8)
  • Small dropdown menu in the inventory that lets you ping what weapon you want - c0mpl3x1ty1 
  • Ability to see team-kills next to your own kills. @DoYaSeeMe 
  • Crosshair colour customisation @MandatoryIDtag
  • Icon next to player health bar that shows team-members how ready their Ultimate is @BillyCrash100 
  • Utility UI options like FPS, Ping & packet loss. @CompleatBeet (Addressed in Aftermarket Patch)


  • Better clarity of footsteps when dealing with verticality.
  • Ability to adjust voice chat volumes for individual team-mates - Twitch-TVDemi_
  • Better sound reverberation & dampening, especially regarding sounds that are on another level, or through a wall that sound like they're right next to you. (New)
  • Ability to control the output volume of specific sound effects (Ring/Drop-ship/etc) @MandatoryIDtag 
  • Better balance of ambient sound with more vital noises like footsteps. @MandatoryIDtag 
  • Healing sound slightly lower in mix for the player healing @Sagi_Shinobi 


  • Some more gameplay focused quips, (Group up, Hello, I have something for you etc)
  • Add a "Don't Engage" Ping
  • Voiceline to ping when your ultimate is ready - Basedlight   (Added in Genesis update)
  • Squad intro quips for when you're flying down from the ship @OldTreeCreeper 
  • Ability to choose which voice-lines you want to play when choosing your character. @OldTreeCreeper 
  • More special voice-lines for specific legend combos (WE LOVE THESE!) 
  • New Voice-lines which certain legends use when they finish other specific legends. Examples provided by Exiled Pheonix42 & CompleatBeet_963 in thread.


  • Respawn no longer cancels when the last living team-mate gets eliminated - GH0STSUSP3CT  
  • Tactical Cooldown from repawned players starts when a Respawn is triggered instead of when the player drops. - Johnmiceter

Skydive emotes 

  • Ability to chose default skydive emote.. (Added in S9 - I think)
  • Ability to chose which skydive emotes you have equipped
  • More Skydive emotes!

Endgame Summary

  • New endgame page that shows the banners of all the Legends you eliminated during your last game and how much damage you did to them. (This can be fantastic for player confidence as often people have no idea about the players they just finished unless they take a good look at their death boxes.)



  • Quick "Clear All" button for multiple new items in the lobby @BermudaScope 


  • More skins with unique intro's
  • Ability to toggle between owned skins, unlockable skins and limited time only skins like event skins and recolors. - GH0ST-TwitchTV
  • Legend equipment also affected by skin ( Bangalore smoke launcher, Crypto Drone, Caustic Gas Canisters) even if it's just a new coat of paint.
  • The ability to combine Rare and Uncommon Skins for additional customisation.  - OldDew                                                                                    


  • More team-oriented challenges (Get 10 kills as a team, 3 team finishers, do 3000 damage as a team) @DoYaSeeMe 


  • Ability to see friends stats when inspecting them, including banners from their top legends. - mathiassk1
  • Abilities to join friend's game from the lobby (Console) - Used to be able to do this, now cannot for some reason?

Weapon Skins

  • Ability to customise different sights found in the game, with different reticles / colours etc.

Weapon Charms

  • New weapon charm page that mirrors the badge page that shows each weapon charm sorted into preview windows that can be sorted based on event/rarity. (New)

Image from u/Greedy_Neck6742 on Reddit


  • More exclusive skin variants per week (3 or possibly even 4) with at least one being a Legend Skin.


  • More in-depth statistics overall showing a great variety of stats for different modes.
  • A stats comparison page where all of your stats are ranked in order for different legends & weapons - Zeues-1992 

Stat Trackers

  • More generalised stat trackers showing your overarching kills etc among all legends, for people that don't use certain legends very often but want their team members to know that they are competent.
  • Trackers that show off a legends K/D ratio, win ratio & damage per game average
  • More Seasonal Stat Trackers @OldTreeCreeper 
  • Stat trackers for all legend wins @OldTreeCreeper 

Loading Screens

  • Ability to favourite certain loading screens and randomise between them similar to skins. (Addressed in Aftermarket Patch)

Finishing Moves

  • More variety of finishing moves for each character - Johnmiceter


  • Ability to favourite certain music tracks and randomise between them similar to skins. (Addressed in Aftermarket Patch)
  • Ability to have music match whichever legend that you have chosen with their theme.


  • More accurate reading of progress on badges (For example on the Assassin badge - how many games you have currently played with five or more kills, next to how many you need for the next badge)
  • New Challenging badges to acquire, upgraded versions of some of the older badges, with new levels to unlock.
  • Ability to show your club emblem in one of your badge slots.


  • New Club level that all club members can contribute to.
  • Club rewards that all club members acquire when the club reaches certain levels.
  • When all members of the winning team are from the same club it shows the name and emblem of the club on the winning screen above the legends.

Friends list

  • Ability to favourite certain friends for players with large friends lists. - ChrysisChrisis


  • In-party chat does not cut out in loading screens (New)

Endorsement (NEW)

  • A new endorsement system that lets you reward other players that you have enjoyed playing with.
  • Giving endorsements to players make it more likely that you will be matched up with them again.
  • You can endorse players for different things:
    • Leader - Calling the shots, route marking and good communication.
    • Supportive - Using abilities to help the team, and being there to reinforce in firefights. 
    • Guardian Angel - For Selfless play, reviving team-mates when they are in need and keeping players in the game.


  • New counter when opening packs showing how close you are to opening 500 packs towards your 150 Heirloom shard packs.
  • Ability to put charms on heirlooms - ChrysIsChrisis 
  • Heirloom skin recolours available for legend tokens - ChrysisChrisis
  • Occasional heirloom shard packs in the Battle-pass (30 shards max per battlepass)
  • Rare small heirloom shard packs (30) in apex packs.
  • Heirloom refund event for cashing in unwanted heirlooms acquired before the Heirloom shard patch - Dirkdonder 



  • Ability to go into Firing Range with team while waiting for a game - Ra_LuCoustic 


  • Game ends immediately when if all members of the opposite team have left the game.
  • Loss forgiveness when a team member leaves your game so that your streak isn't broken due to poor luck.
  • Bonuses and benefits for teams that are missing players to even the odds (Spectre drops / Prowlers running around etc)
  • Sudden Death is a boxing match with no abilities or weapons.


  • Ability to leave without timeout penalty when your Death-box is outside of the ring for at least 10 seconds -DamSonWhUFndThis  
  • Seasonal diamond dive trail rewards.

Firing Range

  • Ability to turn friendly fire on
  • Target dummies that strafe and move around unpredictably (Both at the top of the firing range and the bottom) - Easter egg sort of provides this but would like more variance!
  • Target dummies that sprint from one end of the firing range to the other and back.
  • Instant revive option for practising 1v1's with friends.
  • Infinite ammo
  • Add a selection of buildings to practise with doors and defensive placement. - Lusindum
  • You can trial legends in the firing range @CompleatBeet 
  • More settings to customise your experience in Firing Range (e.g. Instant Respawn, Keep Loot upon Death) @CompleatBeet 
  • Change your weapon and legend skins while still in the firing range @CompleatBeet 
  • A secret vault that houses all of the vaulted weapons and hop-ups, including floor versions of current CP weapons. @CompleatBeet 
  • When reloading CP weapons in the FR their Ammo is instantly replenished @CompleatBeet 

Custom Lobby @VanKlaisss 

New custom lobbies for people to experiment with settings, LTM's can be saved and played privately or publicly.

Custom lobbies will give players a lot of customisation in settings to create their own LTMs:

  • Loot pools - How much of each type of loot and where it can be found.
  • All aspects of player health, speed, gravity etc.
  • Respawns - Respawn Beacon / Auto Respawn / No respawn.
  • Objectives - Capture / Death-match / Battle Royale/ Dropship escape.
  • The Ring - Whether it's activated and size/damage/position for each round.
  • Which Legends are available
  • Team sizes
  • Exclusive club lobbies option - @CompleatBeet 
  • Load-outs - Activated or not
  • Weapon mag sizes & damage output.
  • Aspect - 3rd or 1st person.
  • Map Specific events - Loot tick, Cargo-bot, Flyer & supply Ship frequency
  • Possibilities are endless.

Replay / Threatre Mode - Mangomilktea

A mode for viewing and saving the last game for creative or educational purposes.

Assist Mode

Assist mode let's you turn off your SBMM when grouped with a new player (level 50 or below)

  • You can only pick up lvl 1 Armour, KD shields, Backpacks & Helmets. Weapon sights are still unrestricted.
  • Healing Items work 20% more slowly.
  • No stats are counted at the end of the game but you still get XP at a 60% rate.
  • Not available in Ranked.
  • Must be lvl 100 to unlock assist mode.

This is allow experienced players to play with new players without bringing them into lobbies that they are not ready for, hopefully the restrictions are enough to stop these players from reaping too many kills in early lobbies. More restrictions could be added to further reduce their combat effectiveness.


New LTM's every 2 weeks. More simple concepts like:

  • Mozambique only
  • Armed and Dangerous - Shotguns & Snipers
  • Pathfinder-Only solo's mode
  • Instant ring death mode
  • Fully Kitted drops mode
  • Arcade mode - Where shields recharge automatically
  • 30 v 30 mode

These are just a few ideas to get the ball rolling, please submit your own and I will add to this list. I will tag people that forwarded the idea, but I may occasionally edit the suggestion to be more concise or more inline with something Respawn can actually do. Get suggesting!

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