What part of the EA terms of service states one can't change the video config file again? So yes, I do consider what you're doing is a scare tastic.
A) You have no proof of anyone ever getting banned, but use it as it's defence why not to do it.
B) You have no direct knowledge of the ecosystem involved (being PC).
The video config file is in the documents folder just so it's easily accessible for the user. Every single Apex Legends optimization video on YouTube uses this same file to gain resources for the user.
I've been building computers since the early 2000's with the start of the Intel core 2 duo. I've also had a Steam account since it was created, never banned (yes my steam account is over 16 years old, with not one strike).
The point of the Tweet was to show the official support in the ALGS rule book.
The code to the section is AB8.3
Link To Rule Book
Ctrl+F AB8.3
AB8.3. Game Files Competitors may only add or edit the following Game files:
● local.cfg
● autoexec.cfg
● videoconfig.txt
Competitors may only add or edit the following lines in the files specified above:
● fps_max
● mat_letterbox_aspect_goal
● mat_letterbox_aspect_threshold
● "setting.csm_enabled" "0"