I don't need to prove that point, as getting info on bans is impossible, as you well know.
I've been programming since the '80' s starting on a dragon 32 and built my own pc in the' 90's so I have a modicum of direct knowledge of the ecosystem involved, being pc.
What algs, or hals tweet, has to do with ordinary players playing pubs and ranked, I don't know. Your assertion that direct consent to algs competitors, I have not read the algs rules, follows over to ordinary players of pubs and ranked is baseless.
The EA tos is clear as set out above for you:
When you access or use an EA Service, you agree that you will not:
Modify any file or any other part of the EA Service that EA does not specifically authorize you to modify.
While algs competitors appear, from your post, to have been given specific authorisation to edit, ordinary players have not. QED