Ive been trying to raise this myself. The first marker fragment does not spawn in new game plus or any additional new game plus save.
Which console generation do you have? PS5 Digital
What is your Gamertag/PSN ID? de-lay
Date/time issue occurred since launch there has been no patch to fix this.
What type of issue do you have? IE technic/bug - BUG
Summarize your bug as descriptively as possible - Marker Fragment 1 is GLITCHED AND DOES NOT APPEAR. - Chapter 1 - Maintenance office on the shelf.
How often does the bug occur? - ON EVERY NEW GAME PLUS
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? - the marker just does not appear in new game plus. it is not on the shelf.
What happens when the bug occurs? (can you progress, are you stuck) - i cannot obtain the trophy for the secret ending - i am stuck at 11 markers and no chance of a platinum.
Installed on HDD or SSD - installed on PS5 SSD
Please help, people have been complaining about this since launch now.