Forum Discussion

davidbeatti1990's avatar
9 years ago

#1 Is Darth Vader's (Anakin) first padawan misrepresented? [Added To The Game]

Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka Tano, nicknamed Snips by her master, was a Togruta female from the planet Shili who trained as a Jedi apprentice during the Clone Wars, the conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Tano was assigned to Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker by Jedi Grand Master Yoda, and she demonstrated an eagerness to prove herself worthy to be his apprentice. Tano was involved in the defeat of the Separatist army on the planet Christophsis and was important to Republic efforts during the Battle of Teth. Along with Skywalker, Tano was instrumental in acquiring the Republic's safe passage through Hutt Space, due to her part in rescuing the son of Jabba the Hutt, which ensured an alliance between the Republic and the Hutt clans.

Later, Tano and her master achieved many things during the war including stopping the Blue Shadow Virus, freeing Togruta slaves from Kiros, saving her Master and many others on multiple occasions, and even halting a plot masterminded by Darth Sidious himself. She also engaged some of most deadly people in the galaxy, most notably Asajj Ventress, General Grievous, and Cad Bane several times, always surviving without any serious injury. Tano had a brief brush with the dark side on Mortis after being infected with it by the Son and even died, but she was resurrected by the Daughter. Tano formed close bonds with many members of the Order, which included Plo Koon, Barriss Offee, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Luminara Unduli as well as people outside the Order such as Padmé Amidala and Lux Bonteri, to whom she developed a romantic attraction.

Around 20 BBY, Tano's friend Barriss Offee, who believed the Jedi Order to be evil, and corrupt, and overly belligerent, orchestrated the bombing of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, killed the bomber, Letta Turmond, and caused the deaths of clone troopers while framing Tano for these crimes. While running away from Republic authorities and Skywalker, who still believed her to be innocent, Tano met her longtime nemesis Asajj Ventress and briefly allied with her, since both were on the run from their masters. Tano was led by Offee, the only Jedi whom she still saw as an ally, into a trap at an abandoned Coruscant warehouse in Coruscant's Undercity, where she was captured by Skywalker's forces. The Jedi High Council then expelled Tano from the Jedi Order and turned her over to the Republic for trial. Tano came very close to a conviction and death sentence, but she was acquitted at the last minute by the forced confession of a captured Offee. While the Council pardoned Tano and offered to bring her back into the Order, Tano refused, and she left the Jedi Temple.

Ahsoka Tano was very skilled in lightsaber combat for someone of her age. She made use of the unorthodox Shien reverse grip during combat. However, she would utilize the standard grip at the insistence of her master. In addition to being skilled in Shien, Tano also received training in Ataru and was learning Djem So under her Master. Skywalker also gave her training in the early levels of Niman as an exercise, as well as engaging in numerous hours of quarterstaff training to prepare her for opponents wielding saberstaffs. Her technique consisted of rapid switches and feints, darting from one side of the battleground to the other to exhaust her opponent. Tano's combat skills were clearly quite considerable, as she was able to defeat three MagnaGuards single handed and at least temporarily hold her ground against Asajj Ventress and General Grievous.

At some point during the Clone Wars, Tano began to learn Jar'Kai, wielding a yellowish-green shoto along with her original lightsaber. She still sometimes used only her lightsaber, such as when she duelled Skywalker on Mortis before Kenobi arrived, but would use Jar'Kai when facing multiple opponents and was able to hold her own against both Skywalker and Kenobi on Mortis, even though both of her opponents were more experienced warriors than she was. During her second encounter with Grievous, Tano showed that her skills had improved vastly as she was able to hold off all four of Grievous' lightsabers and survive for the second time, whereas previously she only lasted a short time when Grievous was only using two lightsabers.

Whilst fleeing from Clones after being framed for murder, Tano lost her shoto and was forced to use only her lightsaber to fight Barriss Offee. Her duel against Offee showed that she had become too reliant on her second lightsaber, something she had in common with Asajj Ventress, and although she put up a considerable fight, Offee ultimately proved to be too powerful for her.

"Because of Ahsoka's advanced abilities, I forgot how young she is."

―Anakin Skywalker

Tano possessed a strong connection to the Force, and often used it to perform the Force Jump power and other acrobatic feats. Although Tano's Force powers required more training, she was capable of performing extensive telekinetic feats, as seen during the Battle of Christophsis where she pulled down a large wall in order to save Skywalker from a group of retail droids. Tano was also skilled in the use of the Force push power, which she used to save the life of Luminara Unduli.

Tano also had a strong Force sense, able to sense the presence of Plo Koon after his fleet was destroyed by the Malevolence and the presences of the children who were kidnapped by Cad Bane. She also eventually learned the Jedi Mind trick.

"When I was out there, alone, all I had was your training and the lessons you taught me. And because of you, I did survive. And not only that, I was able to lead others to survive as well."

―Ahsoka Tano, to Anakin Skywalker after the skirmish on Wasskah.

In addition to her Force powers and lightsaber combat skills, Tano possessed advanced visuospatial awareness, aided by the hollow spaces in her montrals that gathered information ultrasonically. That passive echolocation was a Togrutan ability which allowed Tano to sense the proximity and movement of physical objects around her. She used that to great effect during the Battle of Christophsis, toppling a wall on top of Anakin Skywalker and a number of droids he was fighting, timing it so that Skywalker was cleared by a broken gap in the falling slab, whereas the droids were crushed.


Current State
- the slowest hero................
- Leader ability is useless.
- One of the worst dps.
- AI wastes the Crit heal every time.
- is one shotted by the unamed bug ....GS.

- Speed brought up.
- Ability changed : 5 basic attacks in a row with high chance to miss ( brought down by ability upgrades) - damage = standard amounts in line with others.
- Leader Ability overhauled and not to mix her up with night sisters AT ALL .
- Her Dps needs to be brought in line ( sorry but she has one of the worst).
- Basic needs to have a chance to attack twice
- Passive Overhaul ( take in effect her high dodge and passion for darting over the battlefield).

- Spent over $3,000 on the game
- Love the Jedi
- Not happy with the current state of the game especially with non jedi and sith been 10x better than force users ( this is Star wars right?)
- I have all characters but the new ones unlocked and i just want to use my jedi without been forced into using GS,Res pilot, FOTP in my line up because they deal 8x the damage of my jedi.... :(

What can you do to help?
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- Leave a comment to help keep it top side :)

Enough is enough on misrepresented Heroes and unamed soldiers killing sith and Jedi like they are mere weaklings.