Forum Discussion

Booze8474's avatar
3 hours ago

SIM Solo Events that have been completed at 3 Stars

For the love of god. Can we please get a generic standard that means we can Sim Solo events that we have previously completed with three stars. Like we can with Assault battles or proving grounds. 
Why the F**k do I have to play my way through „Lightsabre for hire“, „ Admirals Command“, and all the other crappy solo events that I have three starred in addition to participating in GAC, TW, Galactic Conquest, Naboo Raid, all at the same time? 

You clearly think that we have nothing else better to do with our time. I like the game, I really do. But I’ll **bleep**can it soon because I literally do not have the time to dedicate to playing each and every  event in real time. The majority of your playerbase are not professional gamers 

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