Forum Discussion

LaserBadgers's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
2 months ago

As a newer player, the GC changes have paywalled me out of the game mode.

I was able to complete a whopping 2 feats this time around. This is absolutely abysmal design. Where before I could have some fun theory-crafting my dumpy teams to eke out some mid crates, now you've actively extracted my ability to actually play your game. Do you understand how profoundly stupid that is? This does not incentivize me to buy your **bleep** episode pack - I feel more inclined to stop getting LSBs and just quit your game altogether.

1 Reply

  • don't worry. you won't have to worry about that this GC. now you'll be able to complete a whopping ZERO if you don't have tuskens. Isn't CG just the greatest? I'm with you on the LSBs. They somehow managed to take the time of the year when people are most likely to buy things like that, and decide to roll out an update that has a majority of people in my guild actively saying they won't pay another dime, including the whales. And that's if they don't decide to just quit altogether like a couple long time members have already.