Forum Discussion

Gavsta3's avatar
Rising Novice
5 years ago

Auto-deploy not working for Round 2 in GAC?

I deployed for Round 1, thought I'd try the auto-deploy defence function for the first time for Round 2 and got this... anyone else?

Not only that, the toons that would've been unavailable for offence, as they would've been set on defence, weren't available!!??🤔
  • Whatever you deployed in the first round will be what gets deployed in the 2nd and 3rd rounds unless you manually deploy something else.

    Eitherway it should of deployed something
  • "Mosthated78;c-2037789" wrote:
    Whatever you deployed in the first round will be what gets deployed in the 2nd and 3rd rounds unless you manually deploy something else.

    Eitherway it should of deployed something

    Yea but clearly nothing happened. Strange though, my autodeploy worked all the way for me.
  • "Thel;c-2037728" wrote:
    I submitted a ticket about my issue (same as yours), I got told that they can't do anything, they told me to post it and got this:

    Looks like they can't even check if this happened, I guess if they can't check what happened in the game it can't be a surprise that we still have so many people cheating in this mode

    Hope you don't expect them to do anything. This is par for the course.
  • Gavsta3's avatar
    Rising Novice
    @DarjeloSalas honestly, I can't remember.
    I've been thinking about it, and I don't think so, but I may have, all the rounds blur into one.
    But, I was thinking that there may be an action (e.g entering a zone, or selecting the 'set defence' button) that may prevent the auto-deploy.
    Either way, I'd expect it to deploy automatically if nothing is set and there's an auto deploy function.
    Plus, I expect that this won't be dealt with looking at the reply Thel received above.