4 years ago
GAC is hurting my growth
Ever since crystals have been moved to GAC my account growth has slowed extremely. I was getting 900 crystals every day from arena but ever since it’s moved to GAC and because of me losing a lot i hav...
"Darth_Etern4l;c-2333054" wrote:"Bhaalor;c-2333043" wrote:
I dont mind them moving the crystals out of Arena to GAC; to me that is fine. I do not like the new ladder system at all. I do not like getting matched up with unwinnable matches. I'm a decent GAC player (not amazing but good). I had worked my roster out where I had off meta counters for GL's and could participate at a very high level, never missed Kyber. Now I'm getting trounced.
Individuals who bought the new chars and omi's that go with them have a huge advantage; and before you say "they bought GL's before etc, and that power creep needs to happen" I understand that; but not all at once. When GL's came out it was 2 at a time; when Zeta's came out, you could not buy them. Now we have omi's which transform old teams, and you can buy them, lots of them.
Now you are saying "you could still get matched up with people who had them under the old system!" Sure! I could; but most likely they'd have other holes in their roster I could exploit. There are some matches lately that no amount of scouting, strategy or kitten sacrifices to RNJesus was going to help.
"This ladder system is used in tons of other games" Great, wonderful for them, not a fan, dont like it, I liked the more even matchups that we had before. Were they perfect? Hell no, but now they dont even try to be.
When you say omis can be bought, what do you mean exactly?