Forum Discussion

pac0naut's avatar
8 years ago

Gated gear and useless benchwarming characters.

To the powers that be,

I do appreciate you bumping up challenge rewards and the overall QOL update. That was fantastic. However, I don't understand the gate / drop rates over things like Stun Cuffs / ComLinks / Detonators and everything we need 50 of (ESPECIALLY Cuffs). We are already gated by some AAT gear that are A: Non farmable and B: Non requestable like Bacta Gel / HoloLens / Etc. I do understand that some of these are available in guild shop and fleet shop but the exchange rate is horrid (also, why were the 40 / 50 salvages taken out of guild shipments and replaced with 2?) Which brings me to my next point:

Why are we not allowed to deconstruct characters we put gear on that are now on the bench? For example, I spent a lot of time gearing Barriss. In fact, I brought her to max gear literally an HOUR before her Zeta was reworked and Zetas on her were given back. I literally maxed her out on gear and had one or two more Zeta mats to go before the fix came. I wasn't upset about her Zeta not being AS powerful as it was since it was not working as intended, but I was a little miffed about all the crystals I spent on her gear only to be all for naught.

I'm sure a lot of us have a lot of gear VIII, IX and X characters riding the pine right now with the Zetas coming out. Why not give the option to strip gear and reassign to someone else? That would negate a lot of the "man, I wish I didn't bring a non-pilot benchwarmer like Ugnaught to XI when he's not even that good in the raid....and why do Jawas kind of suck?" laments from us. I'm not sure how this would be implemented or if it could, but it would be nice.

BTW, for the record, I do understand the drawbacks for you on the business side of things, but I think we could all figure out something.

And for heaven's sake, can we PLEASE get a slider in Arena and Fleet? Having to bang refresh over and over is zero fun.

16 Replies

  • I am okay with the idea provided it costs crystals. 1500 to unequip all of a character's gear. 2500 to unequip all of their abilities or 3500 for a combination sounds about right. Makes it so you CAN strip down your bench warmers and transfer, but it will take work or money to do so.
  • "Woodroward;945861" wrote:
    I am okay with the idea provided it costs crystals. 1500 to unequip all of a character's gear. 2500 to unequip all of their abilities or 3500 for a combination sounds about right. Makes it so you CAN strip down your bench warmers and transfer, but it will take work or money to do so.

  • "Woodroward;945861" wrote:
    I am okay with the idea provided it costs crystals. 1500 to unequip all of a character's gear. 2500 to unequip all of their abilities or 3500 for a combination sounds about right. Makes it so you CAN strip down your bench warmers and transfer, but it will take work or money to do so.

    They make $ and players r happy as well. Great idea !

  • "3Cheers4Tyranny;945865" wrote:
    "Woodroward;945861" wrote:
    I am okay with the idea provided it costs crystals. 1500 to unequip all of a character's gear. 2500 to unequip all of their abilities or 3500 for a combination sounds about right. Makes it so you CAN strip down your bench warmers and transfer, but it will take work or money to do so.


    Well then I am completely against the idea being implemented. I would be okay with a higher cost, but not a lower one. I say this having spent way too much money on this game and wish I could take back some of the characters I have geared as well yet am no longer able to spend money on this game. Without the balance of it costing crystals, it would ruin all the challenge of the game.

    The way I set it up, you basically get enough gear to max out a toon for the cost of one 50 salvage piece. You get enough mats to max their abilities for roughly the cost of one piece of the even higher end gear. Now you have the stuff already, but look at how much they make if you have to buy all that gear again... Better for them. Better for you. Keeps balance by making you sacrifice more than you are gaining.
  • "Woodroward;945879" wrote:
    "3Cheers4Tyranny;945865" wrote:
    "Woodroward;945861" wrote:
    I am okay with the idea provided it costs crystals. 1500 to unequip all of a character's gear. 2500 to unequip all of their abilities or 3500 for a combination sounds about right. Makes it so you CAN strip down your bench warmers and transfer, but it will take work or money to do so.


    Well then I am completely against the idea being implemented. I would be okay with a higher cost, but not a lower one. I say this having spent way too much money on this game and wish I could take back some of the characters I have geared as well yet am no longer able to spend money on this game. Without the balance of it costing crystals, it would ruin all the challenge of the game.

    That would ruin the point of this thread. That's more whale service if anything.
  • "Woodroward;945861" wrote:
    I am okay with the idea provided it costs crystals. 1500 to unequip all of a character's gear. 2500 to unequip all of their abilities or 3500 for a combination sounds about right. Makes it so you CAN strip down your bench warmers and transfer, but it will take work or money to do so.

    This is a reasonable idea, but it won't be implanted: a single cuffs cost 1400 crystals, they would lose too much money.

    On the other hand, they could make it free but one per week.