I don't understand the argument that Google is trying to entice iOS users to switch devices with this deal. I am an iOS user, I am not mad about this promotion and I do not plan to change my phone to take advantage of it.
I don't see how this deal, which has not been formally announced by the dev team anywhere, will entice anyone that doesn't already play SWGOH to switch devices. The only people who are currently even aware of the promotion are people in this forum and Reddit, as far as I know. Of those people, I don't think a large percentage of them are willing to buy a new phone just to get some free in game swag.
This is simply a way for Google to thank those that are playing on their devices. I don't make a decision about what phone or tablet I plan to buy based on what in game offers are made on this or any other game. I buy based on research on the device and the OS. I prefer iOS for my own reasons. Others prefer Android. So be it.
If Apple doesn't want to thank their customers then those of us using iOS can decide to take our business elsewhere. But I do not plan on abandoning all my devices just because I didn't get crystals and Rey shards. To me, it is a slightly shallow reason to change everything about my digital life at this point. I have an iPhone, iPad and Apple watch. I do not plan to rebuy all of those items in the Android format just to get some free SWGOH stuff.
The one argument I do not understand from the Android side is the one stating that both platforms were offered the deal. No one in this thread, as far as I know, has any knowledge as to the details of this deal. No one has a basis to make the statement that Apple turned down the deal. We don't know and we probably never will. No one has even bothered to officially announce the deal much less explain the inner workings of it.