Forum Discussion

vaexquagrupen12's avatar
6 years ago

Hitting burnout

Im finding now that ppl are burning out from playing this game in 2 weeks ive had 3 ppl quit the game in my guild
  • The guy that got me into this game quit because of the way they designed the sith raid. The whole immune to tenacity down and stacking tenacity thing.

    I've seen lots of people quit due to Traya and Revan as well.

    I've also seen several people say they were quitting over the HK rework.

    CG really needs to loosen up their control over what teams are allowed to be good where a little bit.

    Theorycrafting is one of the best parts of this game. Not being able to use old characters to take on new challenges really cuts down on the available opportunities to theorycraft.

    If they mess up old stuff so their new stuff is unquestionably tip top (like they did with HK, he would have destroyed Darth Revan) then they are taking the fun out of this game. Sure they get to make money by forcing everyone to pursue the same avenues, but that's not a business model for micro transactions that has any longevity associated with it. That model will lead to the game slowly dying based on past examples.

    The micro transaction business model that works is 'pay for an advantage', not 'pay to win'. The path that CG is taking this game down with all this rigid control is not a good one for the players or CG.
  • Certainly have seen a few drop out over the last two years. Mainly around the time that the Sith raid hit, and Traya started appearing in arena. We lost so many that I was promoted to officer and I started recruiting.
  • While I can agree to an extent, if you are always chasing the meta, you eventually will.

    The power creep In the games has now turned it into one long Neverending grind fest for shards and gear just to stay relevant. The addition of tw, tb and GA only further emphasized this.

    As a primarily f2p player, I find it is becoming increasingly more difficult to even stay competitive in the more minor aspects of the game.

    I was always a "I'll get him next time around" player. Jedi knight revan changed that. By the time revan came around again, everyone had him. Arena, tw and tb have become a massive chore due to the constant mirror matches. On my shard, I've seen players all the way back into the 500s having a full revan team. It's gotten completely outta hand.

    This go around I've spent a couple hundred on shards to try for Darth revan, but as the days go on without a release yet, I'm very much so having buyers remorse in spending on him as it is becoming more and more obvious that it was worthless as everyone who may have just been shy will now have him, and we will still see an arena full of revan in one incarnation or another.

    The diversity that once existed in the game, making it fun, is all but dead. It's either you pay now and play hard or sit back on the sidelines.

    I've seen may players, both family and friends give up only after months of playing as they feel that they will never have a chance to become relevant.

    Guilds now, mine included, won't even look the other way at a person wanting to join, even if they have a large gp if they done have the heroes journey/legendary characters maxed out, or the necessary teams to help on tw and tb.

    Long and short of my little rant, if you are playing to be top and relevant, you will eventually quit as its hard to constantly see the light at the end as this game is evolving at a pace more rapid then even some of the whales can keep up to. Play it for the love of the star wars universe, and you will be better off.

    The devs will always be dangling a carrot on the end of a stick for those that are willing to fork over the cash to be the best.
  • Xhedao's avatar
    New Spectator
    In our guild we have major losses when the weather gets warm (spring, summer) and have more requests, when winter is coming
  • There is a half dozen of us who habe created a semi retired guild.

    Darth revan wont keep me actively interested, we came to the same conclusion. When soemthing important comes that you cant buy (like a raid with a new toon, or maybe a proper incentive to win in TW (sorry all you gung ho types... An extra zeta for winning does not incetivize me to go ballsoutforharambe).). We will come back to active duty.
  • "Ultra;c-1813864" wrote:
    Nobody in our guild recently quit or is quitting

    This. We have 6 guilds going strong.

    Not to say it doesnt happen people burn out, the game is a long haul, it's not for everyone.