8 years ago
As we all have seen holdo is pretty underwhelming after all the hype :( What do you think devs should fix in her? For me should be 1. Her critically low speed 2. Her healing special should ...
"swgohfan29;c-1441315" wrote:"SnakesOnAPlane;c-1441244" wrote:
When EA keeps releasing junk toons, that actually make their faction worse, eventually a backlash will ensue (like it often has, as we are so used to). It appears nothing more than a money grab play. It boggles the mind.
At this point, with her bugs, and incredibly weak stats, Holdo is absolute trash, and the worst $400 I’ve ever spent on this game (and I’ve spent about $30K). Disgusted and disappointed further by EA. It’s becoming the norm.
There were also many people complaining that the devs would make RJT comps OP so.....
I mean at this point the devs are probably pretty close to a "Cant please everyone so wont please anyone" fustration levels