Forum Discussion

Fightguy92's avatar
Seasoned Novice
3 months ago

How to make TW more engaging?

Hi all,

I would like to hear your suggestions on how to make TW more engaging. I'll start:

Please note, I'm just spitballing here as I feel TWs could be much more engaging, not everything will stand up to scrutiny, I just want to kick-start a conversation. Please add your own ideas below!

More detailed 'statistics'. We currently only get to see total ammount of points for defense & offense. It'd be interesting to see things like:

  • Some way of seeing by which team you were attacked and what attacks you made (suggested many times, but full replay is not necessary imho)
  • Quick summary of guild power, player participation and # of GLs after the match
  • Most effective defense (most holds or highest offense team required to defeat)
  • Most effective offense (difference between offense team gp and defence)
  • Field summaries, total defensive gp, total holds, total attack gp

HIghlighting battles. Being able to share how you defeated a certain team or why your defensive team is sp effective. Could be limited to X amount of battles you can highlight to limit computing pressure.

Active defense. Some way of creating a 'reserve pool' of defensive teams that can be activated to reinforce a particular field on defence.

Achievements. Introduce new achievements or badges based on individual TW performance. Use team X 10 times to defeat team Y. Be the last standing team in the front line X times. Get at least X points on both defense and offense. Etc etc.

TW characters. Yes we've had Conquest characters, but what about TW characters? Let's be honest conquest & proving grounds are only challenging below 5M GP, above it's just a grind for some obscure feat to squeeze those last points. Why not introduce TW characters that are mainly powerful in TW? Make winning TW actually matter!

Rewards. Enough people made sensible suggestions here already. It all boils down to there not being a big enough difference between winning & losing and it doesn't matter how close you win or lose.

TW leagues. It's not very clear where a guild stands in terms of TW ranking. Would be cool to have a GAC like system that motivates to stay in a certain league to get daily/weekly rewards.

TW variations. We now get randomly assigned a number of teams per field. Why not introduce scheduled variations on TW so that people can do some strategizing before the match? For example:

  •  TW with set amount of players picked by officers (similar to CoC)
  • TW with map / field variations (perhaps themed with different Star Wars battlegrounds?). Why not a TW with just fleets? Or with different sized fields. Or fields in a different order?
  • Fields with team resrictions (e.g. no GLs, only dark/light side etc)

TW champions. Each team designates two players, one for defense to fill the last (smaller) field by themselves, and one for offense. When either team reaches the last field, the champions have to match eachother.

Strategy. Field comments are limited to X amount of characters. Make some more room for more elaborate instructions. Add a default chat channel per guild for TWs so strategy/tactics do not get lost in the sea of upgrade notifications.

Kind regards,


  • Quite a lot of what you’ve suggested, in terms of stats and communication, is already covered by using Discord and some of the bots available on that platform. 

    You said “We now get randomly assigned a number of teams per field.” This isn’t true - there’s nothing random about the number of teams per zone. 

    Some of your suggestions around nominated members having special roles sounds quite interesting, but the biggest thing I’d want to see from TW is better matchmaking. All these additional suggestions wouldn’t make the game mode any more engaging if guilds continue to be matched with other guilds that are much stronger or weaker. 

  • Imdonesir's avatar
    Rising Newcomer

    I would like to start off this post by thanking CG for the effort they have put into fixing the raid. You guys are hearing our Feedback and responding accordingly so I would like to petition TW getting a reward and bracket placement restructure.

    As it currently stands TW is very similar to the old GAC system where a similar GP would compete, however, the new system has worked out magnificently and made it much more engaging and skill focused. The problem with the current TW system is there is no incentive to achieve more rewards once the max bracket has been reached. Once guilds hit the max tier of 380 million GP not only are they being demolished by guilds that are nearing 700 million GP which makes even the second to last tier more desirable but guilds are left with no way to regress in GP without detrimental consequences. What are guilds going to do against 1 billion GP guilds when they inevitably arrive?

    What I would like to see is the reward system restructured to give the newer and more lucrative rewards specifically Omicrons and Kyro tech. Achieving these rewards skill based matching making system where there is a reason to be competitive and would give a strong incentive to apply TW omicrons to their rosters just like GAC.

    This would ensure that low investment/ low effort guilds would be facing other low investment/low effort guilds while the best rewards would be reserved for the most competitive players in the game; namely datacron focused guilds. This being said there needs to be a TW bracket where the highest spenders and highest skill bracket compete (like MAW) for the most lucrative rewards in the game which would encourage spending in the game and accounts staying within these big high spending guilds.

    I hope you guys find this feedback useful and apply some well needed additions to the game.

  • It should be made more asynchronous friendly. If my opponent has a wall of 50 Revas or 50 JMKs or whatever, I shouldn't have to kill 2-3 and then check in every few hours to see if the next zone is open, especially if the guild is spread out around the world. That works fine for GAC but doesn't make sense in TW. Open up every territory at the start. Then guilds can decide whether to continue to have a few stacked territories or distribute their defenses more evenly or whatever and everyone can attack at their own pace.