"srwhitewvu;c-2084655" wrote:
For the record, I’m in a fleet shard chat that is cool and let’s everyone in and does not go after people who aren’t in the shard chat. We have one rule, don’t hit shard mates 2 hours prior to the payout. It gives people the ability to get top 5 every day. Shard chats should be about cooperating to work together for everyone not being vindictive and punishing people for not being in your stupid “exclusive” club. That part of middle school I did not like. Sorry
I very much agree with this. It's in a shard chat's best interest to invite anyone able to take high ranks on a regular basis. Anything else only leads to missed rewards.
Alas, people who share your payout might feel attacked when an outsider bumps them several days in a row, which can turn an entire shard against you. Maybe you need to take the first step and show you're willing to cooperate? Ideally to the point of changing your payout time if it inconveniences too many people.