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MasterQuinlanVo's avatar
8 years ago

Jedi Faction Pass Idea!... including Reworks, Brand New Abilities, Uniques and Zetas!





MACE WINDU: Aggressive attacker who exploits buffed enemies to amplify his attack power and generate Turn Meter

- Completely reworked kit
- Mace Windu is now an Attacker!
- ‘Vaapad’ has now been adapted as a ‘Unique’ and turns enemy damage against themselves
- Improved Expose Capabilities
- New Leadership ability focussed on Exposing enemies and removing Turn Meter
- Mace is now 140 Speed

KIT FISTO: Relentless Attacker who excels against multiple enemies and gains Offensive bonuses and attack Speed for each enemy unit

- Completely reworked Kit (No pun intended)
- Kit Fisto now has two Uniques which provide extra Speed and Offensive
- Kit Fisto now has an AOE Dispel and provides team Speed bonuses
- A New a Leadership ability with Speed, Turn Meter and Critical Hit bonuses
- Kit is now 144 Speed

PLO KOON: Uncompromising Jedi protector with a variety of supportive abilities to protect and Heal his Jedi and Clone allies

- Completely reworked kit
- Plo Koon is now a Support toon!
- Dispel on Basic
- Far more potent Jedi and Clone synergies
- A new Unique ability to protect his Jedi and Clone allies, including Defence and Health bonuses
- Plo Koon is now 125 Speed

LUMINARA UNDULI: Balanced Jedi Healer with Cleanse, Ability Block and a powerful party heal

- Completely Reworked Kit (Ability names remain unchanged)
- Luminara Unduli is now a Healer!
- Luminara is focussed on spreading out Heal Over Time and gains bonuses for each Jedi ally; and each ally with Heal Over Time
- Party Heal ability now cleanses all allies
- Luminaras Unique also has a Zeta which provides additional Cleanse capabilities and Turn Meter

AHSOKA TANO: Explosive Jedi Attacker with self-heal and unique Jedi Master synergies.

- Basic ability remains the same
- Her Special Ability is now more reliable and has minor tweaks
- New ‘Jedi Master Synergies’!
- Ahsoka’s existing ‘Daring Padawan’ Unique has been adapted and provides additional bonuses to herself and her Master, Jedi Knight Anakin
- Ahsoka now has a new Unique; ‘Kel Dor Protector’ which provides extra Synergy potential

OLD BEN (OBI WAN KENOBI: Selfless Jedi Sentinel able to shut down enemy offensive and willing to sacrifice himself for the cause.

- Old Ben has been given a partial kit rework
- Old Ben is also has a new Unique; ‘For The Cause’
- Kenobi is now more willing than ever to become one with the force and help guide and protect his companions through the force


- Anakin’s ‘Righteous Fury’ Unique is now more dangerous than ever and means Anakin simply cannot be ignored. Beware his Fury!

- Aayla Securas Superior Riposte‘ now has additional Counter Chance and Counter Damage, including a limited capability to grant allies Turn Meter






Overwhelming Attacker who exploits buffed enemies to amplify his attack power and generate Turn Meter


Light Side, Jedi, Galactic Republic, Attacker, Fleet Commander

Invincible Assault (BASIC)

Expose and deal Physical Damage to target enemy; and Expose a random enemy for 2 turns. On a Critical Hit, there is a 60% chance to reduce the Cooldown of Smite by 1.


Expose and deal Physical Damage to target enemy. Reverse all Positive Status Effects on the target. If any Effects were Reversed, Mace Windu and a random ally gain Critical Chance Up. Mace Windu gains 15% Turn Meter for each buffed enemy and his next attack deals 60% more Damage (Cooldown 3)

Vapaad (UNIQUE)

Whenever Mace is damaged, there is a 60% chance the attacking enemy has all buffs reversed. Dark Side enemies receive Damage equal to 10% of their Max Health and are Exposed for 2 turns.

Shatterpoint (UNIQUE)

Make Windu (and his Debuffs) ignore Taunt, Foresight, Stealth and Tenacity Up and deals 20% more Damage to enemies with any of these Buffs. If an ally attacks a Taunting enemy or is Evaded, Mace Windu gains 10% Turn Meter. He gains an additional 35% Turn Meter if the Evading or Taunting enemy is a Sith.

Serve the Republic (LEAD)

Galactic Republic and Jedi Allies gain 60% Defence and +25 Speed. Whenever an ally or enemy falls below 50% Health, 100% Health or Mace uses a Special Ability a random unexposed enemy is Exposed for 2 turns

Zeta: + Whenever an Exposed enemy is damaged by a Jedi ally they lose 30% Turn Meter. Whenever an Exposed enemy is damaged by a Galactic Republic ally they are inflicted with Speed Down for 2 Turns

Full Description: Galactic Republic and Jedi Allies gain 50% defence and +25 speed. Whenever an ally or enemy falls below 100% Health, 50% Health, is Defeated or Mace uses a Special Ability a random enemy is Exposed for 2 turns. Whenever an Exposed enemy is damaged by a Jedi ally they lose 25% Turn Meter. Whenever an Exposed enemy is damaged by a Galactic Republic ally they are inflicted with Speed Down for 2 Turns

Speed: 140




Relentless Attacker who excels against multiple enemies and gains Offensive bonuses and attack Speed for each enemy unit


Light Side, Jedi, Galactic Republic, Attacker

Frenetic Strike (BASIC)

Deal Physical Damage to target enemy and inflict Speed Down. Kit Fisto gains 20% Turn Meter on a Critical Hit and gains Critical Damage up for 2 turns. This attacker deals 10% more damage for each all with Speed Up.

Disarming Blow (SPECIAL)

Deal Physical Damage to all enemies and Dispel all Buffs, dealing 10% extra Damage for each enemy Dispelled. Additionally, for each enemy Critically Hit there is a 35% chance for all allies to gain Speed Up and a 40% chance for Kit Fisto to gain Critical Chance Up. (Cooldown: 3)

Shii-Cho Master (UNIQUE)

Kit Fisto gains 5% Critical Chance, 5% Critical Damage and 5 Speed for each enemy unit and has a 75% Counter Chance.

Nautolan Physiology (UNIQUE)

Kit Fisto has a 75% chance to Daze whenever he Counters and gains 10% Max Health whenever an enemy is Defeated or Evaded.

Speed Blitz (LEAD)

Jedi allies gain +35 Speed, +10% Critical Chance and gain Foresight whenever they use a Special Ability, or fall below 100% Health. Whenever a Jedi ally scores a Critical Hit, Jedi allies gain 15% Turn Meter, other allies gain half this amount.

Speed: 144




Character Description

Jedi defender with Turn Meter manipulation, Protection Up and a variety of abilities to protect and support his Jedi and Clone allies


Light Side, Jedi, Galactic Republic, Support

Quelling Blow (BASIC)

Deal Physical Damage to target enemy and Dispel all Buffs. For each Buff Dispelled Plo Koon gains 10% Turn Meter a random ally gains Protection Up for 2 turns

Electric Judgment (SPECIAL)

Deal Physical Damage to all enemies and grant Tenacity Up to all allies for 3 turns. Target enemy loses all Turn Meter and is Shocked for 2 turns. Plo Koon also gains Turn Meter equal to the Turn Meter removed (Cooldown: 3)

Subdue and Protect (SPECIAL)

All enemies are inflicted with Offence Down for 3 turns and all allies gain Defence Up and Critical Hit Immunity for 3 turns. Clone and Jedi Allies gain 50% Turn Meter. (Cooldown: 4)

Nobody Is Expendable (UNIQUE)

Whilst Plo is alive, Jedi and Clone allies gain 25% Defence and 15% Max Health and other allies gain half this amount. Jedi and Clone allies also gain 1 Heal Over Time for 2 turns whenever they fall below 50% Health and 1 extra Heal Over Time when they fall below 25% Health

Speed: 125




Character Description

Balanced Jedi Healer with Cleanse, Ability Block and a powerful party heal


Light Side, Jedi, Galactic Republic, Healer

Flow of the Force (BASIC)

Deal Physical Damage to target enemy and grant Luminara Heal Over Time for 3 turns, with a 65% chance to grant Heal Over Time to one random ally for 3 turns. Luminara gains an extra 3% Max Health for each ally with Heal Over Time whenever she uses this attack.

Force Blast (SPECIAL)

Deal Physical Damage to target enemy, inflict Ability Block for 2 turns and reduce Turn Meter of all enemies by 15%. Grant Luminara and 1 random ally Heal Over Time for 3 turns (Cooldown: 3)

Master Healer’s Blessing (SPECIAL)

Dispel all Negative Status Effects from all allies. Each ally recovers Health equal to 50% of Luminara Unduli’s Max Health, plus an additional 20% of her Max Health at the start of their next turn. (Cooldown: 4)

Soresu Master (UNIQUE)

Whenever a Jedi or Galactic Republic ally falls below 50% health they gain Evasion Up and Foresight for 2 turns. Luminara also gains +5 speed for every living Jedi ally and +4 speed for every ally with Heal Over Time

Luminara’s own Heal Over Time Buffs cannot be used to amplify the damage of enemy abilities

Zeta: + Ally is Cleansed of all Negative Status Effects

Full Description Whenever a Jedi or Galactic Republic ally falls below 50% health they are Cleansed of all Negative Status Effects and gain Evasion Up and Foresight for 2 turns. Luminara also gains +5 speed for every living Jedi ally and +4 speed for every ally with Heal Over Time

Luminara’s own Heal Over Time Buffs cannot be used to amplify the damage of enemy abilities

Speed: 124




Character Description

Explosive Jedi Attacker with self-heal and unique Jedi Master Synergies.

Energetic Slash (BASIC)

Deal Physical Damage to target enemy and Ahsoka recovers Health equal to 20% of her Max Health, increased to 30% on a Critical Hit.

Proactive Maneuver (SPECIAL)

Deal Physical Damage to target enemy. If the target has 50% Health or more, all allies recover Health equal to 30% of Ahsoka’s Max Health; and this attack deals 25% more Damage. (Cooldown: 2)

Daring Padawan (UNIQUE)

Ahsoka has +25% Health, +45 Speed, and +15% Critical Chance if either Jedi Knight Anakin or Plo Koon is present. When Critically hit Ahsoka gains 10% Turn Meter.

If Jedi Knight Anakin is present, he gains +10% Critical Chance and Ahsoka gains 10% Turn Meter whenever Anakin is Critically Hit and 40% Turn Meter if he falls below 50% or 100% Health.

Kel Dor Protector (UNIQUE)

If Plo Koon is present, he gains +20 Speed and +20% Offence and gains 7% Turn Meter whenever Ahsoka takes a turn or is critically hit.

Speed: 105




Character Description

Selfless Jedi Sentinel able to shut down enemy offensive and willing to sacrifice himself for the cause.


Light Side, Jedi, Tank

Elegant Form (BASIC)

Deal Physical Damage to target enemy, with a 75% chance to gain Defence Down for 3 turns.

Mind Tricks (SPECIAL)

Inflict Ability Block on all enemies for 2 turns and Offense Down for 2 turns, with a 90% chance to remove 60% Turn Meter. Dark Side enemies lose an additional 15% Turn Meter and lose health equal to 25% of Kenobi’s Max Health on their next turn. (Cooldown: 4)

If You Strike Me Down (UNIQUE)

When Old Ben Kenobi is defeated, he Cleanses all allies and grants them all; Evasion, Critical Chance, Speed, Defense, Offense, Health (25%), Defense Penetration and Critical Damage Up for 3 turns. (Buffs given by this ability cannot be used to increase the damage of enemy abilities)

For The Cause (UNIQUE)

Old Ben takes Damage equal to 20% of his Max Health whenever he takes a turn and sustains additional Damage equal to 15% of his Max Health whenever he is damaged. Additionally, he also Taunts for 1 turn whenever falls below 100% and 50% Health.

This Unqiue requires Old Ben to be Gear Level X to Unlock

Speed: 112





Righteous Fury (UNIQUE):

New additions: Anakin gains Advantage, and his next attack cannot be Evaded, +25% Damage, Cleanse when triggered.

Unique with new Zeta:

Whenever another ally falls below 50% Health or is Defeated, Anakin gains Advantage for two turns, 100% Turn Meter and his next attack deals 100% more Damage. In addition to this, Anakin Cleanses himself whenever his Unique is triggered.



Superior Riposte (UNIQUE)

New additions: +15% Counter Chance, +15% Counter Damage, one random ally gains Critical Damage Up, and grants+10% Turn Meter to a random ally

Unique with new Zeta:

Aayla has +10% Critical Chance, 75% Counter Chance, and +75% Counter Damage. In addition, on a Critical Hit she Stuns her target for one turn and grants Critical Damage Up and 10% Turn Meter to 1 random ally


Hopefully these Jedi rework ideas are interesting and would help to revitalise Jedi as a faction by providing two new burst damage Attackers, 2 new Dispellers, 2 new Cleansers, 1 new Healer and a versatile Support toon. This would help to make Jedi as a whole, a far more robust and versatile faction and bring them to the fore in the SWGOH world by making them a fun, but also dangerous bunch of toons with lots of Synergy potential!

Thanks for reading, and any suggestions are welcome and will be taken into consideration in order to adapt and tweak these rework ideas as is necessary to suit the SWGOH player base.

And Finally, a big thanks to,

Big Balls (Big Boss), Medetec, MullatoTMxBHGx, {DOE} Scuba, Peempo and other devoted Jedi Users for helping me tweak and adapt my designs!

  • "masterethangeilvta;c-1068362" wrote:
    "Vertigo;c-1068048" wrote:
    "masterethangeilvta;c-1068034" wrote:
    @Big_Boss here's my big question: how should yoda's leadership ability be reworked to justify spending the zeta on it?

    Jedi Allies gain 40% Tenacity and health equal to 50% of the total Tenacity of all Jedi allies. Whenever a Jedi ally uses a basic attack they gain +3 speed and whenever a Jedi resists a debuff they gain 35% TM. As long as Yoda is alive Jedi allies gain offense equal to 15% of the total tenacity of all Jedi allies.

    I'll bet you want those Tenacity Mods now, don't you.

    I like it! I would really like to see tenacity used to bump stats the way potency does. I dont think the offense buff needs to go away when yoda dies though. Maybe the percentages could just be reduced: health = 30% total tenacity, offense = 5% total tenacity. This could easily mean +160% health and +25% offense.

    That would be good as well. I was thinking it would work nicely with Aayla and Kit Fisto. Tanky and counter attacking. Higher tenacity and solid offense. Of course you could still Daze them and stun them and theres annihilate, but it'd make them last longer in a different way from zQGJ.
  • "Big_Boss;c-1068374" wrote:
    "Vertigo;c-1068048" wrote:
    "masterethangeilvta;c-1068034" wrote:
    @Big_Boss here's my big question: how should yoda's leadership ability be reworked to justify spending the zeta on it?

    Jedi Allies gain 40% Tenacity and health equal to 50% of the total Tenacity of all Jedi allies. Whenever a Jedi ally uses a basic attack they gain +3 speed and whenever a Jedi resists a debuff they gain 35% TM. As long as Yoda is alive Jedi allies gain offense equal to 15% of the total tenacity of all Jedi allies.

    I'll bet you want those Tenacity Mods now, don't you.

    Tenacity is a broken stat though

    Yeah tenacity needs a buff. But that's another matter really.
  • This is a amazing job! I have used at least 2 or 3 jedi on my arena team since I started to play on december of 2015 even if this has made the things harder. With your rework a full jedi squad could be finally used!
  • I was looking at Lumi's heal.

    First: I don't see why you need to change her from an attacker to a healer. Yes, it's kind of weird to have someone with party-heal abilities not called a healer, but Ahsoka does that too. It's not unheard of. Akbar is a Support. That sort of thing.

    It's not that I care that much about whether she's labeled a healer or attacker, but with certain challenges and other aspects of the game the Attacker tag matters b/c it allows you to bring a healer when you wouldn't otherwise be able to. QGJ is most similar to an attacker, but he's classified as "support" because almost all the assist-caller characters are supports. So, why not leave that alone is all I'm saying.

    As for the party-heal & cleanse:

    I like your idea. The Sith are so relentlessly about debuffs, it is appropriate to have a party cleanse. However, I think that instead of just reducing the duration of the HoT she gives to 1 turn for all characters, that you should have it work something like:

    Master Healer’s Blessing (SPECIAL)
    Dispel all Negative Status Effects from all allies. Each ally recovers Health equal to 50% of Luminara Unduli’s Max Health. For each ally that was not debuffed, grant a HoT buff that provides an additional 20% of her Max Health at the start of that ally's next two turns. If an ally had one debuff cleansed, reduce the duration of HoT by 1. If an ally had more than one debuff cleansed, do not apply HoT. (Cooldown: 4)
  • I like a lot of what you did with Mace, but I also have some suggestions there. You wrote:

    Smite (SPECIAL)
    Expose and deal Physical Damage to target enemy. Reverse all Positive Status Effects on the target. If any Effects were Reversed, Mace Windu and a random ally gain Critical Chance Up. Mace Windu gains 15% Turn Meter for each buffed enemy and his next attack deals 60% more Damage
    (Cooldown 3)

    Vapaad (UNIQUE)
    Whenever Mace is damaged, there is a 60% chance the attacking enemy has all buffs reversed. Dark Side enemies receive Damage equal to 10% of their Max Health and are Exposed for 2 turns.

    He's supposed to be good at turning the enemies' strengths against them, so I get where you're going with this. I tend to think it is too powerful, however. Also, I don't think that all the other enemies should be relevant to the TM bump: Mace was said to be a master of lightsaber dueling, not multi-enemy wars. As you've noted, that's more Plo and Kitt Fisto's realm.

    So what if this was revised to read something like this:
    Smite (SPECIAL)
    Deal Physical Damage to target enemy plus bonus damage equal to 10% of the target's Max Health. Dispel all Positive Status Effects on the target and apply the corresponding negative status effect if one exists. Mace Windu gains 20% Turn Meter for each buff reversed. If any positive status effects were dispelled, apply Evasion Down to the target and Mace's next attack deals +20% damage for each debuff on the target.
    If no positive status effects were dispelled, grant all allies Critical Chance UP for 3 turns.
    (Cooldown 5)

    Vapaad (UNIQUE)
    Mace Windu gains +35% accuracy against all enemies and gains +35% Dodge against all Assist attacks and +35% Deflect against all Special Damage (these dodge/deflect bonuses do not stack with each other). When attacking Exposed enemies, Mace Windu gains +50% Potency.
    Whenever Mace suffers DoT or Thermal Detonator damage on his turn, he gains OffenseUP until the end of his turn and reduces the cool down of Smite by 1. This cannot trigger more than once per turn.
    Whenever Mace is attacked on his turn, there is a 60% chance the attacking enemy has all buffs dispelled. This dispel, if it occurs, happens before damage is applied but after it is determined whether or not the attack hit Mace. Each buff that was dispelled has a 50% chance of applying the reverse effect to the attacker. If Mace was buffed when attacked during his turn, Mace attacks again after the attack on Mace is resolved. This bonus attack cannot be countered and deals +25% damage and an additional +25% damage to Dark Side enemies.
    When Mace Attacks out of turn, he does +25% damage and reduces the Cooldown of Smite by 1.

    So if you'll note: instead of applying expose, I simply applied bonus damage to the Smite attack. This makes it impossible to resist and instantaneous (so it can't be dispelled before it has its effect). In exchange, the damage is lessened to 10% of Max health. This makes it similar to Rex's Subdue at its basic level. It does not get better bonus damage at the Omega level BUT Rex doesn't dispel all buffs and reverse the ones with a corresponding negative status effect. (Also I tweaked the wording so if Mace dispels a buff that does not have a corresponding debuff, he still gets his bonuses: the way you wrote it made it sound like those happened only if an effect was reversed, and not just when an effect is dispelled.)

    This version of Smite allows you to grant an AoE party buff if there are no positive status effects to dispel, making it useful against squads that don't rely on buffs (like Sith), but it retains its primary function as a crippling dispel as the advantages of using it against a buffed target are much greater. In this version of Smite, the CoolDown would actually start at 6, but would be reduced to 5 along the way. Since he reduces the Smite cooldown whenever he counters a counter-attacker, the cool down is effectively 3 even when it starts at 6 if he is attacking counter-attackers. However, since it is also reduced by calls to assist and whenever Mace counter-attacks (such as under an Ima-Gun Di lead), it is possible in theory to attack with smite, reduce cool down when counter-attacked, then reduce it again when called to assist, then reduce it again when counter-attacking under I-GD. Ultimately, it is possible with DoTs, Assists, counter-counter attacks, etc. to actually Smite every single turn. Mace would then be a bit like an Anti-Zylo, but it's not nearly as reliable, he doesn't have as many specials to choose from

    Note that even though Mace has no AoE it is possible for multiple attackers to counter on Mace's turn. This happens with characters like Echo and Gar Saxon. When that happens, Mace obviously attacks BOTH (or all) enemies that attacked him. In these circumstances, Vapaad reduces the CoolDown of Smite once for each bonus attack, usually that's only two. The bonus attack not being countered is to prevent infinite loops - he's already being countered, that's how he sneaks in the extra damage.

    Also note: Mace performs his counter-counter whether he takes damage or not. This is not a counter-attack in the normal sense, where a counter-attack only triggers when a blow actually lands on a character.

    The +35% accuracy is a reflection of his exceptional dueling ability and directly counters the +35% dodge Sidius has against Jedi. Of course, Sid will still dodge Mace when on a +Dodge% team or when he has EvasionUP. It's not immunity to dodge, but it reflects Mace's relentless focus on his opponent and his legendary skills with his lightsaber.
    The +35% dodge vs. Assists is his way of getting the allies of his enemy out of the way to continue to focus on his chosen opponent.
    The +35% Deflect vs Special damage reflects how he deflected Sidius' force lightning.
    The response to Thermal Detonators and DoTs was a matter of thinking about how you would resolve that damage under your original language where Mace debuffed and damaged "the attacker" "whenever Mace takes damage". Obviously sometimes Mace takes damage when there is no attacker. What then? The OffenseUP bonus. Since he can't reduce his cool down by counterattacking against this damage, he gets the Cooldown reduction automatically without counterattacking anyone.
    Although I grant a lot of new advantages through Vapaad, his counter-attacks are much more limited. He does not counter normal attacks against him. He only counters a counter-attacker. This makes him a great counter to Dooku, just as the the +35% accuracy makes him more effective against the only other Sith lord of his era: Sidius.
    Taking 10% Max Health AND being Exposed every time you attack = 30% Max Health damage every time a DS toon attacks Mace. I thought this was too much, especially on top of reversing buffs. Really, if you think about it it's just monstrous. But the way he massively increases his damage when using Smite against buffed enemies and OffenseUP whenever taking DoT (which means all the time against Sith - permanently against Zader) is going to make him a feared attacker in a way that he's definitely not now.

    Because I'm using a different mechanic for reducing the Cooldown of Smite, this requires a change to Mace's basic. But I can tie it in to the Vapaad anti-dodge capabilities:
    Invincible Assault (BASIC)
    Deal Physical Damage to target enemy and apply SpeedDown for 2 turns. On a Critical Hit and whenever striking a Stunned opponent, Expose the target with a 60% chance to Expose an additional random enemy. If the target of this attack was already Exposed and Mace's attack lands, apply Stun and do not apply Speed Down.
    If the target of this attack successfully dodges, Reduce TM by 100%. This TM reduction cannot be resisted.

    This reflects Mace's ability to control the battle field and, ultimately, to corner his enemies, giving them nowhere to run (as he did against Sidius). You are very unlikely to dodge Mace's attacks, but if you do, it's only because you were willing to be forced out of attacking position in order to avoid the blow. He won't always Expose you, but if he does his blows are positively crippling.

    This is a somewhat weaker kit than you proposed, but only because losing 30% Max Health every time you attack Mace is just plain OP. It's still a very nasty skill set and it quite closely reflects what we saw Mace do in the movies. I hope this preserves the spirit of what you wrote & that you like it. I tried to keep close to your core concepts, and clearly you did a lot of good work even if i disagreed on what should happen when makes takes damage.

    Thanks for reading!

  • "MasterSeedy;c-1078986" wrote:
    Mace was said to be a master of lightsaber dueling, not multi-enemy wars. As you've noted, that's more Plo and Kitt Fisto's realm.

    You're incorrect there. Mace windu has destroyed entire armies of droids with his bare hands alone.

    On a side note i like these rework as it's actually in the same vain as the one I wrote, except toned down.

    Lore: Mace Windu is a master Jedi who is second to none in martial combat. He is, down to his core, a warrior, engaging his opponents with a ferocity that is rarely seen amongst the Jedi and he has dedicated his whole life to the betterment of this.
    As of this, He relies more on personal strength and skill over grand strategy and concert with his allies.

    He created a new variation of form Vii alongside Sora Bulq, Vaapad.
    This adaptation of the purely physical form, juyo, was designed to be a protective measure against his own perceived weakness, his enjoyment of a fight. It was designed to safeguard him against the temptations of darkness.
    Explained as being a state of mind rather than just a fighting style, Vapaad creates a loop of energy between the user and their opponent. Absorbing the attackers power and reflecting it back upon them, this is applicable with both physical power and force use. Whilst using this form Windu's power becomes directly proportionate to that of his opponent, the more power they throw against him, the stronger he becomes.
    (If we look at the battle between Mace and Sidius we will see a prime example of this, the redirection of force lighting)

    This is both the strength and weakness of this the form. As fighting a weaker opponent would be detrimental to its strength. Though he compensated for this by merging in his mastery of the other forms into his use of Vapaad, including his near impenetrable use of soresu, the perfect balance between offence and defence.

    The strength of Vapaad stems from focus and passion, not calm and clarity. Thus the form came with a cautionary warning by the Jedi that use of Vaapad led the user perilously close to the dark side.

    Because of all this, Mace Windu's competence on the battle field is considerably beyond even the greatest Masters of the order, he has single handedly destroyed entire armies of opponents with ease and has best all but the greatest duellists using nothing but his combative strength alone.

    The rework As with most, I want to reflect the characters lore into their rework; and since mace windu is a very well known and powerful Jedi, I want him to be unique beyond most.
    I'll try to explain each skill as best as I can in the most simplest form, as I usually have a habit of confusing the readers. So let's get cracking.

    Invincible Assault – Deal Physical damage to target enemy and Reduce the cooldown of smite by 1.
    Mace Gains all positive and negative status effects the target has, then inflicts the opposite of each positive buff plus each negative effect he has onto the target enemy.
    Both effects last two turns and cannot be resisted or prevented.

    Omega: If the target was exposed Mace gains 10% turn meter per buff received and 5% per negative effect inflicted on the target.

    (See additional information)

    Smite – Deal Special damage to the target enemy and inflict all negative effects mace currently has, then reverse all positive effects on the target.
    If the target is exposed, deal 50% more damage (including expose) for each status effect inflicted and reversed and then spread them all to each other enemy and himself for two turns.
    If this attack kills the target, all positive and negative effects are removed from mace and he gains 100% turn meter.
    This attack and its effects cannot be evaded or resisted.
    6 turn cooldown.

    (See additional information)

    (Unique)Vaapad - Mace windu has 75% resilience to negative effects and 50% resilience to positive effects. He cannot resist negative effects and cannot be cleansed or dispelled by any means.
    At the start of each of his turns, Mace will expose a random enemy, all taunting enemies and will expose an additional enemy for each buff he has. These effects cannot be resisted and last until his turn ends.
    In addition If Mace has any protection remaining, he deals 50% more damage. If he does not, he recovers Protection equal to 60% of the damage dealt.

    see additional information

    (Leader)strengthened resolve – Jedi Allies gain 50% resilience to negative effects and deal 30% increased damage if they have protection remaining, if they do not they recover protection equal to 30% of the damage dealt.
    In addition, At the start of each allies turn there is a 50% chance to inflict expose on a random enemy per negative effect on each ally until the end of their turn.

    Additional information

    *Effects taken via invincible assault bypass buff immunity. Mace cannot stun himself in this manner.

    *All effects of invincible assault and smite include stackable effects.
    E.g. if the enemy has three dot effects, mace steals three dot effects and then reapplies three dot effects, not apply three more dot effects. If mace has 4 dot effects, or 3 dots and 1 healing over time, he would refresh three and inflict another dot effect.

    *in invincible assaults case, inflicting three dot effects would grant him 15% turn meter.

    *in smites case, inflicting multiple dot effects will count toward the bonus damage calculation. This remains true even if they were only refreshed.

    *resilience reduces the effectiveness of positive and negative effects.
    For example, offence down on mace will reduce his offence by 12.5% and his leader ability would cause his allies to have 25% less offence.

    *strengthened resolve works in an additive fashion. If your allies have 2 negative effects. One enemy will definitely be exposed. If they have 4, two enemies will definitely be expose. This continues up until all enemies are exposed with 10 debuffs across your team.

    Brief AI changes:
    -Mace should always attack an exposed enemy, with little exceptions. Most of those revolve around the use of his smite ability. The only other reason to ignore an exposed enemy would be if a high priority target is within the kill range of his basic attack. (Of course if you really want to go in depth this would vary depending on how much turn meter the priority target has and whether or not an ally could attack him before the target reaches 100%, but I have no idea how the developers AI system works mechanically.)
    -The use of smite should be calculated a few ways;
    If a high priority target has a lot of buffs, it's used. And will ignore exposed enemies.
    If a high priority target is within its kill range, it's used. This may also ignore exposed enemies.
    If mace has no protection it has a higher priority than his basic attack, using the above calculations for target selection.

    I'm sure there would be considerably more ai changes necessary.