Forum Discussion

4jrgwg23o5ub's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
2 months ago

JMLS - what leadership in Conquest?

What leadership do you most commonly use for JMLS in Conquest?

He is my first GL, this will be my first Conquest with him and, accidentally, I'll also run the hard conquest for the first time.

  • theXrono's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler

    for conquest i tend to run JKL lead usually for the slow  its super helpful especially the later sectors.  but if I need light side kills I use JML lead

  • Just throw in any Jedi with JML and he works as intended.. check out Scrybe on YouTube for great conquest walkthroughs.


    Basically and feat with ‘defeat X amount of enemies with X character’, as long as they’re light side any Jedi can call them to assist for big damage.