6 years ago
Malevolence mirror match
I don’t know whether I’m missing something but I have one other guy in my shard with a 5 star malevolence.
I have experimented with lots of different setups against him and it’s a struggle every single time.
Even if I put up a complete exact same starting lineup and same order of reinforcement.
His ultimate always goes off before mine even though I avoid killing his summoned vulture droids.
Our GG are both r7 but I have full 6e mods where as he does not.
My HT is r3 and his g12.
My sun fac r5 , his g12
Our hyenas both 4 star.
Last match I just had , his capital used special and then had 2 further capital abilities before I even got to use my special.
1.I can’t work out why his capital always goes before mine at start?
2. Always gets special off first even if the ai of his feeds more turn meter to my capital?
3. His ships being a lot lower gear lvl shred me to pieces?
I win but it’s a real mission to do so and right down to the wire. Any other fleet or matchup is a cake walk , I just don’t get it.
I have experimented with lots of different setups against him and it’s a struggle every single time.
Even if I put up a complete exact same starting lineup and same order of reinforcement.
His ultimate always goes off before mine even though I avoid killing his summoned vulture droids.
Our GG are both r7 but I have full 6e mods where as he does not.
My HT is r3 and his g12.
My sun fac r5 , his g12
Our hyenas both 4 star.
Last match I just had , his capital used special and then had 2 further capital abilities before I even got to use my special.
1.I can’t work out why his capital always goes before mine at start?
2. Always gets special off first even if the ai of his feeds more turn meter to my capital?
3. His ships being a lot lower gear lvl shred me to pieces?
I win but it’s a real mission to do so and right down to the wire. Any other fleet or matchup is a cake walk , I just don’t get it.