2 years agoSeasoned Ace
Omicron idea: Cad Bane
This suggestion includes a little update to his unique, as well as omicron suggestion. This suggests making Cad Bane a lot faster while maintaing him relatively slow.
For The Right Price (Omicron)
For The Right Price (Omicron)
Cad Bane gains +5% Evasion for each debuffed enemy.
While in Grand Arena: Cad Bane gains foresight at the start of a battle until the start of his turn, which can't be dispelled. Whenever Cad Bane evades an attack he gains gunslinger (stacks, if leader is not Jabba), while Cad Bane has stack of gunslinger on him - he gains bonus turn and Andvantage. At the end of his turn - lose stack of gunslinger on him.
- new effect gunslinger - is a neutral effect that can't be dispeled.
- Each attack that states "deal damage twise/trice, etc" counts as 2-3+ attacks on Cad Bane, and lets him take 2-3 bonus turns if evaded (and if leader is not Jabba)