Forum Discussion

AbC4932a1766700's avatar
New Traveler
4 years ago

Outlanders gear Stash pack

Can someone confirm the Pack actually guarantees ALL the gear pieces each 25-75 possible drops.

It’s not one of those 💩 packs that drops only 2-3 pieces of gear out of the 6 possible, right?

3 Replies

  • By the looks of it I think you’ll get all the gear pictured. These slot machine packs are total garbage and they purposely make the descriptions hard to understand. All part of the frustration marketing ploy $$CG$$ is famous for.
  • Yes, it drops 25, 50 or 75 for each of the 6 items, but it's all or nothing....25 of each, 50 of each, or 75 of each. Only 1 roll of the rng dial.
  • The text says a % chance to drop X amount of each of the listed gear salvage, so yes.