"Ig88isboss;967387" wrote:
"Nikoms565;967385" wrote:
"Ig88isboss;967372" wrote:
"Kyno;967370" wrote:
"Ig88isboss;967366" wrote:
True, I think they could've toned down his leader ability a bit though.
I guess but it is a zeta, no going back, no further to go.... (I don't think they will rework him again)
Yep. I just feel like with the zader meta we saw a lot more diversity. Now it's just all zaul.
Just looked in my top 20. 12 non-Zaul leads. 8/20 isn't quite "all"
Youre shard doesnt apply to everyone and neither does mine. But my shard it's 40+ of top 50 zaul.
Couple weeks back we had tons of zader, fo, resistance, zqgj and droids. The fo team is still there but he drops to 40ish daily. I guess that was just the transition period to zaul meta.
I find 40 out of the top 50 a little hard to believe. I mean sure theres probably a lot, but theres only 17 Zaul teams in my top 50 and I'm on a early december 2015 shard. Theres plenty of other teams in there. zQGJ (only like 4 now, there were more). A couple of Zaders (Used to be around 20 of these), 1 Zhasma + Zylo and 1 Zhasma + zFOST, a fair amount of Rex leads, a fair amount of Boba (L) + Zylo + a cleanser (usually GK), one or two GK leads, a full R1 team (Zeta'd Jyn), the one token Zooku (L) + Zoba + Zylo (This guy just likes to regain protection I guess lol), a couple of Nihilus leads (Zetad), a Finn (zeta) lead, and then one EP lead (48th) and one HK lead (His JE is still the second fastest character in the shard behind only one of the Sith Assassins under Zaul, but he's at 42nd), and then some Wedge leads down in the 40s as well, but they aren't running full Rebel teams anymore and just don't seem to have Zetas yet.