The Naboo Raid needs a change
In the current state the Naboo raid is a RNG raid nothing special planning you can max a score with the same mods in one shot and the next week you could have to try 10 times for the same score
Speeder Bike you never had this problem the best example is Leia if you hit the stat thresholds you could guarantee 2.7Mil every week no problems
Kyrat you could set up teams to max score no real problems
The problem is the B1 ability mainly Charged... the fact that it is a guaranteed turn after every turn you take and with jedi who you have to use 1-2 teams to hit 5 raid attacks you can get stuck behind it in a near infinite loop that offers zero benefit to the game or the players
Raid is limited and they move the Mk3 currency every time there is a new raid for what to make people whale on new characters for the raid. very simple leave the Mk3 currency on the previous 2 raids and the current or make it so the rng is minimal or can be avoided with good modding... currently you get charged 3-4 times you can be cooked completely for no reason that benefits the game or the player
Players need to start to hold the devs accountable for terrible design currently the greed fest also being the New GL with 2 R9 requirements along side 3 new characters at R7 atm and we will prob get another 2 at r7-r9