Forum Discussion
This is an interesting idea, I think it could be a good way to extend the value of investment in some less than top tier characters. However, there's likely going to be a good deal of pushback from players. That resistance mainly coming from the fact that lots of people didn't like the mechanics of KDR and the Endor, and Endor also had an issue with causing motion sickness. You have a good idea that I think get buried by the intensity of dislike for the older raids.
I agree about the OP's idea, it would definitely give actual meaning to the investments. I mean, let's face it, not many players would relic Eeth Koth just to get a few more points in a raid that's going to become obsolete in (now less than) 9 months. The only permanent benefit from that is a few more deployment points in TB, and even then it's minimal.
As for your comment about negative responses, yeah, I can already imagine that. I personally had no issue with the mechanics behind the Krayt raid, and the Speeder raid never once gave me any motion sickness even when I played it manually. The only actual issues I have with the new raids is having to use the same teams over and over again. With the Sith raid, for example, even before the rise of SLKR and one-man runs, you could theory craft with countless teams and strategies. Now, with the new system you have to use the exact same teams and strategies every week until a new raid shows up, which then requires you to do the same based on what toons are allowed there. But back to the point, I can understand why people would be against having to go back to, let's say, the Endor raid. A few weeks once the Naboo raid started, I saw a thread by someone complaining about getting motion sickness from the shield, and that's nothing compared to the previous raid. And instead of trying to figure out something that suits their own situation, like focusing on something else while playing one of those two raids, people are more willing to bury you under an avalanche of (sometimes immaturely constructed) complaints, regardless of how it ends up affecting everyone else. I myself would appreciate it if there were less events running at a time instead of having to deal with TB and Conquest and Raids all at once for example, but I'm not about to gather an angry mob and burn down people's houses if they don't agree with me.
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