I don't have that problem with the DI DDKs too much either, at least with my Lumi team. The worst that happens is that I enter a wave with PotUp and HoT and the Command Droid is one of the first that decides to go; and/or, the enemy focuses too much on one character at a time - like my run the other day, I went into the 2nd wave, before I knew what was happening, I had no buffs and QGJ was dead. The only time I truly get stuck behind DDKs is with my DMaul team in the later tiers, and I still manage to get a good score despite that.
Like I said in the last thread this guy made, it seems like he just complains about everything not being tailored specifically for him. That was almost three weeks ago, I was starting, even hoping, to think he decided to quit (the complaining I mean, not the game). Some events and battles are difficult, yes, that much I'll admit. But the fact is many other players have managed to get by just fine. There's Discord, there is something called guildmates, there are hundreds, maybe thousands, of guides on YouTube for the Aphra event alone, for example. But because this one player with an undeveloped roster and/or a lack of strategy isn't immediately getting everything he wants, all of us have to start bending over backwards and change the entire game just for him.