Forum Discussion

Schibb's avatar
6 years ago

Why I stopped slicing mods to 6*

The title should be "Why i stopped slicing my BEST mods to 6*"...

When mods 2.0 came out me and a few guild members had this discussion about this restriction and how it affects the game going forward, at that point i decided i would be very selective about which mods i upgrade and which i leave at 5A. I would not be upgrading any mods that have high speed can can be used to make lower geared characters viable. (sadly i had already sliced my first one by that point rip 23 spd)

But it comes down to the g12 restriction on 6* mods. It means you can never put them back on undergeared characters. However this is where your best mods can give the biggest benefit especially for special events like Legendaries where you may be required to use characters who are not g12 but suddenly find that your best mods are not usable on them.

This Chewbacca event I think has likely highlighted the issue for some users. I'd like to know how many people are struggling with g11/g10 BH and just wish they could put that 6* mod with 20 speed on them.

I think CG should reconsider this restriction and consider allow g10 or at least g11 characters to also apply them, to make upgrading less of a risk to players without big g12 rosters.