8 years ago
Why tournaments are good, and what should change about them.
1st off read b4 you type hate stuff please...
1 tournament a week, post rewards for next 5 tourneys in advance.
Re-work rewards to include more stuff for lower ranks, and maybe skim just a bit off the top 10 ranking rewards...
Ally pointsthis decision was a very smart one as it makes p2p/f2p both equal in tourney as far as refreshes go... as a mainly f2p player i have never been so fortunate in rewards as i have with tournaments since ally points became the currency. AP really levels the playing field.
Also the rewards are good! Your getting something for ally points which did nothing for you previously so any way you look at it your making out like a bandit!
Exclusive characters... this is the crux of the tournaments hatred being focused on it imo.
Since jyn/vader ship couldnt be purchased via arodonium paks the p2p community is furious and making there voice heard, and i cant blame them. They have $$$ and its burning a hole in there pockets...EA give em something to spend it on, but please dont corrupt the tournaments format that i belive is quite balanced a fair.
1 tournament a week, post rewards for next 5 tourneys in advance.
Re-work rewards to include more stuff for lower ranks, and maybe skim just a bit off the top 10 ranking rewards...
Ally pointsthis decision was a very smart one as it makes p2p/f2p both equal in tourney as far as refreshes go... as a mainly f2p player i have never been so fortunate in rewards as i have with tournaments since ally points became the currency. AP really levels the playing field.
Also the rewards are good! Your getting something for ally points which did nothing for you previously so any way you look at it your making out like a bandit!
Exclusive characters... this is the crux of the tournaments hatred being focused on it imo.
Since jyn/vader ship couldnt be purchased via arodonium paks the p2p community is furious and making there voice heard, and i cant blame them. They have $$$ and its burning a hole in there pockets...EA give em something to spend it on, but please dont corrupt the tournaments format that i belive is quite balanced a fair.