Chinese Translation Suggestions 20250215
I found all names of Phoenix are changed into a strange version, it might be back to those familiar ones I think. Only for simplified Chinese.
凯南·贾奴斯 to 凯南·贾鲁斯, for 奴 means SLAVE.
希娜·仙杜拉 to 赫拉·辛杜拉
艾斯纳·包力格 to 埃兹拉·布里杰
艾斯纳·包力格(流亡) to 埃兹拉·布里杰(流亡)
仙杜拉将军 to 辛杜拉将军
利霸“泽布”欧利提欧斯 to 泽布·奥雷里奥斯
And also in my last post, I suggested change 命运佣兵 to 唯利是图, because fortune here means wealth, and this 唯利是图 shows these guys can do anything for money even giving their lives.
Batcher has a cute Chinese name, 瑕瑕(xiaxia). 瑕 means small flaws on jade, double the word to make it cute. So I think 瑕瑕 is better than 巴彻. Btw, I like the title of Batcher's introduction mail, a super good pun in both English and Chinese.
HunterM 's Take a Shot can be called 开火!, which means open fire. 开枪 just means shoot once.
For more dramatic, OmegaF's Big Sister can be called 大姐头 instead of 大姐姐. 大姐头 is a title used usually for a gang leader when it is a woman.
ReyDSV's basic can be called 臣服黑暗, like a emperor's order.
ReyDSV's Corrupted Reflection can be called 腐化倒影 instead of 腐化反射. 倒影 means the image in mirror or water.
Captain Enoch's Arbiter of Decay is called 衰减仲裁者 now. For Enoch is who leads the way to join the Decay Army, he is more like a harbinger of the undead soldiers. I guess 破败先驱 is more suitable for his role. 破败 is for Decay and 先驱 is for Arbiter. 衰减 only means decrease.
Night Trooper's Share My Suffering is called 分担痛苦 now. 分担 more means equilibrate, like both take 1/2 of suffering in total. We also have a phrase to say feel others' pain, 殊途同归.