Forum Discussion

FangedBoat78's avatar
Rising Newcomer
2 months ago

Finalizer and Raddus Shards Unattainable

I’ve already maxed out both Finalizer and Raddus to 7 stars, but the event is locked as if I e never completed the sixth stage before being able to attain the 10 shards for each event. 

  • Check the new update. Anyone who has max shards for that ship, and basically any capital ship aside from Exec, Prof and Levi, can no longer access that tier. Personally, I can live with a few less shards a month, but must the events still be visible at all if we already have the ship maxed. I have all them finished, so there is no reason the Fin and Rad events should waste any space in the events page, especially if they're now availabe every day for those that can play them. Pre-JG, legendary events would disappear instantly once you get the toon to 7 stars, it should be easy to do the same for these events and Marquee reruns.

  • KyberSozay's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    I second this, as some one who has both ships maxed, why do I have to keep looking at their event everyday?  I really don't care that I lost out on some SSC each month, but leaving the event in there for me to see DAILY.... really annoying, please remove.  Thank you in advance.