Forum Discussion
4 Replies
- 5189f9b9560be88514 hours agoRising Newcomer
Yeah, it does the same to me on both TS1 LC and TS2 LC
BellaDovah 5189f9b9560be885 Are you running the game(s) in fullscreen or windowed mode, and if fullscreen, does it help to use windowed instead?
- SimsMegaDeluxe9 hours agoSeasoned Traveler
Hi BellaDovah
I wrote about this bug. It's a problem with the Sim In Background feature. It would be helpful if you consider upvoting the thread and leaving a comment as it has not received any community manager response yet. Thanks
TS1LC Bug: Can't run in background during windowed mode | EA Forums - 11892266
- SimsMegaDeluxe9 hours agoSeasoned Traveler
puzzlezaddict I wrote about this bug here. This happens in both full screen and windowed mode. The game minimizes and audio shuts off whenever you click on a different application, ALT-Tab, switch to another monitor, etc. In other words, you can't run the game in the background. This is despite the in-game option to "Sim In Background" it turned on.
TS1LC Bug: Can't run in background during windowed mode | EA Forums - 11892266
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