#BnS93 - The Age of AquariusThe deadline for this challenge is 2nd May 2018You look at what can only be described as the colorful group in front of you, not entirely sure they did not just walk off the stage of Hair and into your office. The faint smells of patchouli tickles your nose as the group sits, several of them on the floor despite having enough chairs for all.
There are three men and three women, each decked in the most outrageous hippy outfits: bright patterns, flowers in their hair, sandaled feet mixed into the eclectic wardrobes, the works.
"A place for all six of you?" you ask, making sure you have the notes right.
"Not like one place, but all connected, like the universe, man, like all of us," says the man who gave his name only as Essence.
Unfortunately that doesn't really clarify anything, but thankfully the girl identified as Lavender speaks up. "A commune, y'know? Like back in the day, when people all lived together but still had their own space, too."
"Oh, yes, I see! So you'll want six...?"
"Nah, man," Essence says, head rolling oddly from one side to the other. "Three pairs, right? Y'dig?"
"Of course, three," you say, and despite the truly bizarre interview happening you actually feel yourself thinking this might be an interesting project.
Sparrow, the youngest-looking of the women, speaks up. She has a soft voice and doesn't look quite fully at you. "But all one kitchen and bathrooms and gardens."
"And places for our skills, like," offers Storm, the only one of the men not to have facial hair. You silently wonder if that is deliberate or if he just can't grow any.
"...like?" you prompt.
"Raven needs room for making her art," Lavender says, indicating the third woman with hair the color of her name. "Essence plays guitar, Sparrow collects things - y'know, rocks, bugs, that kind of stuff."
"Space rocks, man," Essence interjects. “Like, far out.”
You think he might be trying a bit too hard at this 'hippy' thing.
Continuing on, Lavender adds, "I'm a writer, but my publisher won't take long-hand copies so I do need a computer. Storm does the gardening and Sky cooks. But there's already going to be a garden and kitchen, won’t there?" she adds as an afterthought.
"Maybe a place to swim, hm?" Sky asks.
"Man, don't be greedy," Essence says. "Pools are, like, the visible cancer of materialistic excess of the bourgeois."
Resisting a sigh, you go back over your notes quickly. "Right, so to make sure I have everything, you want an isolated lot where you can set up your commune with no cars, only walking or bikes. Three separate spaces, but communal living and cooking areas, a garden, space for all your hobbies and skills, and maybe a place to swim, provided it is not overly materialistic or excessive. Have I got that right?"
They all looked at one another for silent confirmation, then nodded together.
Oh good. "And, what kind of budget do you have available?"
THE BRIEF- Design and build a commune with 3 separate private buildings, a communal building with kitchen, communal bathing facilities, a garden, and room for their noted skill or hobby items.
- Lot should be in as isolated a location as possible.
- No roads or pavement, only walking or bike paths.
- Build should incorporate generally eco-friendly elements.
BUDGET: §150,000 or less (lot cost + building cost).
SIM CHALLENGE: Create Essence, Lavender, Sparrow, Raven, Storm, and Sky based on their descriptions above. They are all eco-friendly, but the rest of their attributes are up to you. Tell us a bit about them and show their reaction to their new communal homes.
ROOM CHALLENGE: Create the communal living space, so living, kitchen and dining, you have a budget of $25,000
Entry ListStarting OutCHALLENGE #93 - The Age of Aquarius
FORUM ID: lorrie1910
ORIGIN ID: lorrie1910
LEVEL: Starting Out
LOT: Rainbow Rise
LOT COST: $8,500
LOT NAME: Twin Oracle Peak (Newcrest)
BUILD COST: $75,381
TOTAL COST: $83,881
LINK TO GALLERY: https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/5AEBFC05489711E88EDA27308412E0F7
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/TAalNMT
ENTRY DETAILS: I decided to go for a 60/70s theme and tried to make this as colourful as possible.
CHALLENGE #93 - The Age of Aquarius
FORUM ID: 4Sanne
LEVEL: Starting Out (since it's my very first entry)
LOT: https://ea.com/nl-nl/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/E788B5AC4D5311E88FF027308412E0F7
LOT COST: §3,000
LOT NAME: The Lighthouse (Windenburg Island)
BUILD COST: §147.254
TOTAL COST: §149.990
(I'm a bit confused about this: When I build this, I kept an eye on the cost and ended up with a final cost of §149.990, but now I see in gallery it costs §147.254 and that combined with the lot cost is §150.254, not §149.990... I'm sorry for this, I don't know how it happened and I will try to avoid it in the future...)
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/GEcdhC1
Welcome to the Back to nature Commune!
We have converted an old cabin in the woods to a regular hippie haven, where those who love nature can sleep under the stars and live in their very own yurt! At the bbq area you can sit and relax with friends, enjoy a good meal and discuss life. You can relax in the natural pool and enjoy some healthy, de-stressing yoga. At the campfire you can brew some tea, roast some marshmellows, tell a scary story or make some music.
Ofcourse life is not just fun and games, laundry has to be done, unfortunately... But here at the commune even tasks like these are a breeze. There also is a lovely garden for growing your own fresh produce. I hope you will enjoy the Back to nature Commune as much as our lovely hippies have!
CHALLENGE #93 - The Age of Aquarius
FORUM ID: SourJaneSims
ORIGIN ID: SourJaneSims
LEVEL: Starting Out (first entry)
LOT: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/51504C2E4DC511E881DBDCEAC1BA3175?fb_action_ids=110610906473965&fb_action_types=simsfour:share?fb_action_ids=110610906473965&fb_action_types=simsfour:share
LOT COST: 3,000
LOT NAME: The Lighthouse, Windenburg
BUILD COST: 91,829
TOTAL COST: 94,829
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/e6ykiRG
ENTRY DETAILS: This tiny house commune was built using entirely recycled, repurposed, or handmade materials. It features peat composting toilets in each home perfect for the large garden area. The common house features a shared kitchen, shower room, and dinning area. This common house also offers an area for art, two computer stations, shelves for all your collections, and a music area. Power and heat for this commune is provided by a generator that operates on used kitchen grease. There's small pond out back for those hot days as well as private beach access. Each tiny home is decorated for it's occupants interests and activites and offers room to add further personal touches as well. The homes and common house use a combination of energy saving FTL, LED lights as well as natural and candle light. The outdoor garden features several fruit trees and offers room to start ones own sustainable garden. There is also a small canopy to escape the sun or relax in and enjoy the fire pit in the evening. The many trees on the commune offer extra seclusion although any neighbors are a good mile or two down the beach.
CREDIT FOR CC/RECOLORS: https://sourjanessimblr.tumblr.com/buildnsharecommune
CHALLENGE #93: Age of Aquarius
FORUM ID: Zayven
LEVEL: Starting Out
LOT: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/E71388124DDF11E88CF627308412E0F7
LOT NAME: The Lighthouse, Windenburg
TOTAL COST: $149,994
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/C6fEeeC
ENTRY DETAILS: Bringing together 6 different lives is no easy task, especially when everyone comes from different walks of life, but these folks are determined to make it work out. They all love nature and sustainable living, with shared interests in music, gardening, and food. They want to grow and support each other, and have the mutual respect that comes with understanding and caring for each other without harmful prejudices. So what better way to achieve this than having their own space of peace and solace, away from the noise of people? So their living spaces reflect their values... lots of bright light for growth, repurposed and recycled materials for respecting life and bringing together the old and the new, sustainable gardening to keep life healthy, the colors and shades of the rainbow for energy and identity, and shared and personal spaces for bringing everyone together and respecting who they are.
CREDIT FOR CC/RECOLORS: mutske, simcredible, jomsims, lulu
CHALLENGE #93 - The Age of Aquarius
FORUM ID: Lisabee2
ORIGIN ID: Lisabee2
LEVEL: Starting Out
LOT: The Lighthouse
LOT COST: 3,000
LOT NAME: https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/7098268A4E4511E888C8701A37BAB7F3?category=all&searchtype=hashtag&sortby=downloads&time=all&searchquery=bns93&max=50&maxis=false
BUILD COST: 143,377
TOTAL COST: 149,478
(don’t ask me why the math does not work .. it is a mystery but I am taking it directly from the screenshots)
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/GYPJ1sz
Off the Grid Too is a development dedicated to simple eco-friendly communal living. Yurts are the housing option preferred by those who desire a nomadic aurora in their surroundings, but that being said it is important to remind those who might be interest that Yurt living is more of a lifestyle than a housing choice. Living in in communion with nature (barely separated from that nature by the thin wall of the yurts) is the hearts desire of those who would choose to live here. However, these Yurts have solidly built walls to keep out unwanted guests (skunks, racoons and bears OH MY).
The location of Off the Grid Too is very desirable. A view of the bay is calming to the soul but it also means there is an abundance of clean water available. The on-site swimmin’ hole offers both recreation (keeping in shape is important) and a place to cool off during the summer months.
For many the thought of Yurt living would suggest a very spartan existence. While indeed there are charming rustic features to this place (like; community campfire, outdoor communal bathroom, bathing and laundry faculties, an organic garden and well-kept farm animals) Off the Grid Too is proud to offer many modern amenities (wifi and televisions) help you maintain the connections you might opt to keep. A well-appointed kitchen (includes an indoor herb garden) ensures ease of preparation and food safety.
The piece de resistance here at Off the Grid Too is our fully equipped Fall Out Shelter. So if the Zombies and aliens (or the government) attack your safety is assured!
If the idea of escape from the rat race sounds like your cup of tea, get your TreeHugger tee along with Birkies and a poncho and head on out to Off the Grid Too.
CHALLENGE #93 - The Age of Aquarius
FORUM ID: lorrie1910
ORIGIN ID: lorrie1910
LEVEL: Starting out
HOUSEHOLD: Rainbow Hippies
GALLERY LINK: https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/79EE54884CAB11E886D027308412E0F7
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/WJ2uYNK
ENTRY DETAILS: The Rainbows are group of 6 hippies that I decided to split into 3 couples. Essence is a musical genius who enjoys the outdoors, is family orientated and is a music lover. He is married to Sparrow whose aspiration is The Curater, she also loves the outdoors, is a bookworm and is very cheerful. Sky aims to be a master chef, he enjoys the outdoors, is a foodie and is outgoing. He is married to Raven whose aspiration is to be a painter extraodinaire, she is a music lover, loves the outdoors and also a art lover. Storms aspiration is to be a freelance botanist, he loves the outdoors, is romantic and creative. He is married to Lavender who aspires to be a bestselling author, she loves the outdoors, is romantic and ambitious.
SIM ENTRY FORM (please copy and paste into your entry post)
CHALLENGE #93 - The Age of Aquarius
FORUM ID: Zayven
LEVEL: Starting Out
HOUSEHOLD: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/C29728764E7211E88B7927308412E0F7
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/4wpNk97
Sims have all their skills and relationships set!
Essence is the type of person who tries too hard to project what he wants others to see, so he compensates with by being far too hipster and doesn't quite get yet that that's different from what he thinks it means. His favorite color is lime green, he loves pictures of things that are super far away or super close up, and he passes time away playing his acoustic guitar and smoking a little too much bubbly.
Raven loves to contrast colors with a simple black. She enjoys the mental exercise of the different ways colors and shapes can be used to infuse and tease apart meanings of things. She puts up with Essence's more annoying qualities because she sees through the ego into the person inside, and they've developed a more platonic bond that's a little humorous to others to watch.
Sparrow is the youngest of the group, still working on getting her GED and sorting out her life. Collecting things has always filled holes in her life and help her connect to the world when she was too quiet to do so otherwise. She likes the color yellow because it reminds her sunshine, and her inspiration to continue to be a happy, kind person.
Lavender is the most outspoken of the group, and the oldest, helping the others navigate things like property laws and life plans. She's full of plum and attitude, loves jazz, writing, and Sparrow. Her life is some shade of purple, which she thinks works perfectly with Sparrow's sunny disposition. She's known Sparrow for years, and was quite off guard when Sparrow gave her a big teddy bear with a heart one day, and the course of their relationship took a drastic turn. She's still a little wary about their age difference, but they're learning together how to navigate it.
The mystery remains about why Storm hasn't grown facial hair like the other guys of the house, but Sky thinks it's cute. Storm loves the physical exercise of gardening, and the connection it gives him to the world. He just feels more alive and rooted in reality when he's tending to other living things. He likes red, which is a little hard to match to Sky's blue, but like everything else, they try to work it out. Storm's other interest is woodworking, often carving pieces of furniture and knicknacks out of driftwood Sky brings home.
Sky was raised with his grandmother, who taught him to cook as soon as he could balance on a stool to help her. He's lived his life helping feed those around him, and the only place he's ever really found quiet is when he's in the water. So it was only fitting to make sure he had access to a eco-friendly beach so he can go center himself and unwind. He's married to Storm, and secretly hopes that maybe someday Storm will build him a boat, and they can have a little honeymoon on the water.
CHALLENGE #93 - The Age of Aquarius
FORUM ID: Lisabee2
ORIGIN ID: Lisabee2
LEVEL: Starting Out
HOUSEHOLD: https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/525518BC47FB11E886839B0412E9C971?category=all&searchtype=hashtag&sortby=downloads&time=all&searchquery=bns93&max=50&maxis=false
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: (REQUIRED - https://imgur.com/a/nOxZW1Z
ENTRY DETAILS: (Be sure to tell us about your entry)